Guru for God

Your Nature Is Divine Being - Guru for God
Your Nature Is Divine Being.
We live in a world where there are many boundaries and limitations;
Limitations of the physical world,
And limitations of our own minds and physiologies.
The physical world that we live in is bounded by space, time and causation.
Our minds and bodies are bounded by the expressions of our gene pool, and by what happens to us in life.
All these boundaries and limitations lead us to make the mistake of the intellect:
To think that this reality is all there is.
With the ever changing phenomenal forms of life,
With our minds and bodies that are ever changing,
It is natural to think that this is all life is:
Ever changing phenomenal forms with boundaries and limitations.
But this is the mistake of the intellect.
Beyond the bounded relative field of Creation,
Is the Field of the Absolute,
Divine Being That never changes.
It is unmanifest,
It is unbounded,
It is a Field of Universal God.
Divine Being sources all the relative field of Creation.
It is the essential constituent of all of Creation.
But we are so busy here in the world,
Experiencing with our minds and bodies all the activity around and within us,
That Divine Being is hidden or covered.
We are not aware of it.
We cannot experience it.
There is a way, however, to change this.
When you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field,
Then you go beyond all these boundaries and limitations;
You go beyond your mind;
And then the experience is of Divine Being;
Of That Field of the Absolute That never changes.
That experience of Divine Being influences and transforms your mind and physiology.
It brings you more harmony here in the world;
It brings you more expansion;
It brings you more intelligence and peacefulness.
Divine Being is the essential constituent of this relative field.
It is our privilege as human beings, with our complex nervous systems,
To transcend in a Meditation Practice;
To experience Divine Being revealing ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf;
And to be transformed by That experience.
It is the highest duty one can perform as a human being:
To transcend and experience Divine Being.
In time, with regular and repeated experience of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice,
Your mind and physiology rise to That very status of Divine Being.
Now there is no more Pragyapradh,
No more mistake of the intellect.
Now you live Divine Being here in your life as you experience the world.
You hold the Consciousness of Divine Being at the same time as your consciousness of the relative field.
Then you know your own nature;
You know the nature of all of Creation.
Your nature is Divine Being.