Gun Lawyer

Gun Lawyer

Episode 197-Warning! Keystrokes are logged on all gun permit applications.

August 04, 2024

Episode 197-Warning! Keystrokes are logged on all gun permit applications.
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law, firearm, unconstitutional, new jersey, new jersey’s, gun, colt, challenge, references, keystroke, guidelines, judge, jersey, decision, assault, ban, applications, listed, substantially, modern sporting rifle


Evan Nappen, Speaker 3

Evan Nappen 00:00

Hi. I’m Evan Nappen, and welcome to Gun Lawyer. So, you know, I love doing this show. But this show is not just my voice, it’s also your voice. The reason I say that is I get a lot of great letters, emails, and such, from my beloved listeners. And I mean that sincerely. Often, these letters reveal things that need to be broadcast out to everybody, and it leads to discoveries of things that are just, oh, my God, kind of a moment. And that’s something I have to share with you today. Something extremely important that every New Jersey gun owner needs to know, and I bet you don’t know this. What I’m going to tell you, you do not know. Because even I didn’t know it, and I just live and breathe this stuff all day long. I didn’t know this, and it is a bit scary. It is yet another example of our loss of privacy and how Big Brother is spying on us. There are many lessons to take away from what I’m going to tell you next.

Evan Nappen 01:31

So, here is an excellent letter that I received from Greg. Basically, I’m just going to paraphrase. I’m just going to tell you what the story is. So, Greg applied for a PTC in Jersey, and one of his references was his buddy, Mike. What he did is what most of us do. You ask your friends to be references. When you do your application for your carry permit, you tell your references. You always want to make sure your references know. So, when you put in the app online, they’re ready to get the email, and they do the reference pretty quickly. Push the button and send it off. That way the references don’t delay you in the processing of your license. You always want to make sure in advance that your references are on your side and good to go because that can cause a problem.

Evan Nappen 02:43

Of course, one of his really great friends here was doing it, and he was absolutely 100 percent, no problem. But what happened was Mike, who basically wanted to play a practical joke, a prank on his good friend, which is something good friends do often. Right? Especially guys. Guy friends like to bust each other’s chops when they can and that’s all good. That’s what keeps a relationship, a good bromance together. Right? All good. So, what prank did Mike do? Well, what Mike did was when he got the reference email from the State, it asks, is there any reason why you would not endorse the above named firearms applicant to be issued a permit? He checked yes, and then where it said why? He wrote because he’s crazy. Then he took a picture of it with his cell phone so he could text that to his

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buddy, Greg. Then he wiped that out. He erased it. He erased it, and then put the no. There was no reason he wouldn’t and then submitted it with a positive supportive reference.

Evan Nappen 03:20

Well, lo and behold, Mike ends up getting a call about his unsubmitted answer. He gets a call from the authorities investigating it, and he tells him hey, it was a prank. And buddy, Greg, is like saying this person he knows. The police tell him that his keystrokes are logged so they had to investigate before approving the application. Folks, keep in mind, this is the big news. Anything you type when doing online applications to the Government, your keystrokes are logged. That’s right. Big Brother is watching your every keystroke, my friends, and I’m sure it’s not just on applications for a carry permit in New Jersey. Any of these online applications, especially anything you might deal with any agency in the Government. Keep in mind that your keystrokes are most likely being logged. This apparent report of the logged keystrokes was what the Government had, and they had to “investigate” over something that was not even submitted.

Evan Nappen 05:55

Yeah, it’s kind of scary stuff when you think about the intrusion and the overwatch taking place on us. So, it is really important to be vigilant and to know these things. To be aware. Knowledge is power. This is a knowledge element that I bet none of you knew, and now you do know it. So, keep it in mind. When you’re filling out any of these Government applications, don’t screw around. Don’t joke around. Make sure the information you’re putting in is exactly what you’re intending to submit. It probably pays to write out separately, completely separately, from your application. Probably on paper, like old school, what you’re going to say before you even type it to protect yourself. Because who knows what some Government bureaucrat may see and then misinterpret or take out of context, or who knows what. It’s easy enough just to have a typo, straight out have a typo, and then correct it. Now you’re subjected to what? Investigation. Put on a special list. Having licenses denied. Further investigated. Put in a big file. What? Who knows! But they’re watching you. New Jersey’s online gun permit application apparently has keystroke logging being done. It seems like it may be a privacy invasion, but then again, maybe not. I don’t know.

Evan Nappen 08:00

I couldn’t find anything specifically prohibiting this. I did see some case law that allowed it if one had, arguably, a warrant to place a keystroke logging device in somebody’s computer. And that’s kind of an older case. But now, when you just go online, the keystroke logging begins automatically? Shouldn’t we at least get a warning that all keystrokes are being logged? Shouldn’t it let you know? Like when you call a place and they say, “this phone call is being recorded so that we may improve our service to you.” You know, whatever the line they give, but at least they give you notice the line is being recorded, right? Shouldn’t there be a warning that keystroke logging is taking place on any kind of online submissions? You know, if you want to talk about new laws, if you want to talk about laws that can protect people, there’s a federal law that should be passed. I’m not one to push laws. We’ve got enough of them. But here’s one that can actually be useful to protect our privacy and require notice if there is keystroke logging taking place. So, you’re aware of that big eye watching you. I don’t know if that big eye is there in a pyramid or not. But sometimes you start worrying about it. I mean, it’s kind of crazy, right? But here you go. An actual case. An actual experience.

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Evan Nappen 09:39

It is Gun Lawyer that has the privilege of bringing it to all of your attention. Make sure your friends know about it as well, and they listen to the show. If you hear these kinds of things or have questions, I welcome you to send me those emails. I read them. Believe me, this is how this kind of information can get out there because the Imperial Lamestream Media won’t. They don’t want to let you know this stuff, but I want you to know it. So, keep that in mind and stay vigilant.

Evan Nappen 10:17

I want to give you an interesting update regarding Lieutenant Colonel Mikey Hartman and him coming to WeShoot. Now, there is actually an exciting update regarding that Shooters Edge Seminar with Lieutenant Colonel Hartman who is the Master Sniper from the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). He created the entire Firearms Training Program for the IDF. An amazing man. Amazing things he’s done. Including making the cover of the Soldier of Fortune magazine. They’ve gotten a fantastic response to him. He was going to be coming on August 9 to talk to folks, and you could meet him live and ask questions. You know about the sign up and many of you signed up. Well, here’s what’s going to be happening. That August 9th date where he’s just going to be at the range, the indoor range, with him talking, that’s not going to happen. If you did sign up, then you know. You’ve got an email explaining this, but I want folks to know. Because what is going to be happening, and this is what’s exciting, is they’re looking now to get an outdoor range. I believe they have one to accommodate the needs for the class where Lieutenant Colonel Hartman will actually instruct in live fire,. So, you’re not just getting the benefit of his instruction. You will be there shooting rifles at the range with Lieutenant Colonel Hartman. Because of this, the seminar has been postponed, and the details are going to be out there shortly.

Evan Nappen 12:21

If you want to continue by the way of the online portion, you can still go to and use the GUNLAWYER code to still get that $100 off, and you’ll be able to attend that seminar. As soon as I get the dates and when it gets worked out, I’ll let you know. This way, it’ll be even better, even more exciting, even more fun, even more instructive. So, this is going to be what the next level is. If you are interested in this event, go to WeShoot’s website,, and you can sign up there. You can get in on Make sure you do. This is actually even better, and I’m sure not going to miss it. I wanted to make sure you’re aware of that. By the way, if you need a great place to shoot, go to WeShoot. It’s an indoor range right there in Lakewood, New Jersey. It is in Central Jersey, right off the Parkway. Easy to get to with great, wonderful staff. Great place. My highest recommendation. That’s where I shoot as well. Go to Check them out. Go to the website. You can get your CCARE training there to get your carry. You can get all kinds of great courses and have a real top of the line range experience. You can rent guns and introduce others to shooting. Great place. A great resource.

Evan Nappen 14:18

Now, we’re going to be talking later in the show about a really interesting case that was fought by the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs. They were a participant in the recent decision that has created a Constitutional challenge that was successful as to AR-15s. I’m going to give you the details about how. This is just the first battle, by the way, folks. The state Association is there litigating in

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federal court on your behalf, on our behalf, challenging New Jersey’s idiotic, modern sporting rifle ban that they statutorily call an “Assault Firearm”, which is just a pejorative bullshit term for firearms that have been around for over 100 years. They’re also challenging the large capacity magazine ban which was also in the battle in this decision. We’ll talk about that, too. They’re challenging the Carry Killer Law, creating all these sensitive places and trying to eviscerate our ability to carry a handgun, even though we can get our carry permits now. It is a shall issue. It only took over 50 years for New Jersey, kicking and screaming, to finally have to issue them so that we no longer have to be victims, but can, in fact, be defenders. That fight is also continuing. So, you really need to be a member of the state Association. It’s The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs. They are the NRA affiliate, and they are the umbrella organization of all the gun clubs in New Jersey. You can be an individual member, and you should be. Because not only will you be helping in the cause, but also you’ll be getting the email updates. You’ll know what’s going on down in Trenton and in the courts. You get a great printed newsletter. The best in the state on Jersey gun rights. And you’ll know that you’re part of the solution.

Evan Nappen 16:31

Additionally, you should have my book, which is New Jersey Gun Law, the Bible of New Jersey gun law. It’s the book used by everybody that wants to know about Jersey gun law, from the State Police Firearms Division down to the average gun owner. We’ve sold thousands and thousands of copies. It’s the 25th Anniversary Edition. The reason it’s so popular is it’s the only book that is out there to gives Q & A explanation of over 120 topics, in a question and answer format. New Jersey gun laws explained. Good luck trying to find a real good explanation of Jersey gun laws. But luckily, my book is there and that’s what it does. So, you need to get a copy of it. When you get your copy, scan the front QR code. Make sure you do that because you will, for free, be able to subscribe for the updates. And I don’t do anything else with that list. It stays private. But you’ll get updates and be able to access, for free, the archives. This is a free thing. It’s free to get the updates and free to access the archives, so that way your book stays current. So, if you want to get your copy of New Jersey Gun Law, which you should have, go to My website, When you go there, you’ll see the big orange book. Click it to order your book, and you’ll have it in a matter of days.

Evan Nappen 18:01

So, let’s talk about this amazing decision by the Federal Court on AR-15s. ANJRPC v. Platkin ( unconstitutional/) Now, keep in mind, the entire so-called “Assault Firearm” statute was challenged in federal court, and it’s been a lengthy battle. It’s gone up to the Supreme Court. Bruen came about in between, and it was remanded back down. There was then discovery that delayed the case. Finally, finally, we get that lower court decision, which is, of course, just the first battle in the war going forward. But this first decision, which is currently stayed for 30 days pending an appeal, the stay means it’s not effective yet, but it might become effective if the stay is not continued. But the bottom line is this. The Federal judge ruled that New Jersey’s AR-15 ban is unconstitutional. That’s right. The first crack in New Jersey’s idiotic, modern sporting rifle ban has taken place. Because even this judge, who in the opinion makes it clear that he has no love for modern sporting rifles, admits he is constrained by the Supreme Court’s decision in whether or not such a law is Constitutional. So, this is now going to continue in the

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challenge. We need the entire “Assault Firearm” law found unconstitutional because it is. This is progress.

Evan Nappen 19:57

Now, in the same decision, he denied that the large capacity magazine, what we call the standard capacity magazine, prohibition is unconstitutional. We flat out believe that he’s wrong and that part of his decision was just mistaken. That’s why the appeal is ongoing. We’re looking to expand on the success and reverse on the denial of the magazine challenge. We have excellent grounds, legal argument. As we start getting higher and higher in the chain, it means that New Jersey’s “Assault Firearm” ban, and large capacity ban have one foot in the grave. I know in my heart that when it eventually reaches the Supreme Court, no way will it stand up as Constitutional. But until then, the battle ensues.

Evan Nappen 21:09

Certain questions have arisen from the judge’s decision. On one hand, it seems like he only legalized, so to speak, Colt AR-15s. Yet, he references through the opinion AR-15s. I want to explain to you what my view is here. Now, I want you to know that this is my view. It is how I’m going to be using it and approaching it in all the battles we have ongoing with clients criminally charged with AR-15s. Having their licenses and their gun rights revoked because they had AR-15s and all that. It is extremely useful, and we’re going to be going at it. I honestly cannot see how it can only be limited to the Colt AR-15. Let me tell you why.

Evan Nappen 22:11

Let me explain it. So, keep in mind New Jersey’s “Assault Firearm” law was passed in 1990, and it became effective in 1991. When it became effective, there were five parts to the definition of “Assault Firearm”. It’s actually one of the most poorly written definitions in criminal law anywhere, anywhere. It’s just so absurd how open ended and ridiculous it was. Early on, I had a case. The name of the case was Merrill. Mr. Merrill was charged under the assault firearm law with having an MAK-90. This was in Monmouth County, and I brought a challenge on his criminal charge, alleging that it was unconstitutional. This was back in the early ’90s. Pretty early after the law had come in. It was after the 1994 Crime Bill – Federal.

Evan Nappen 23:25

I argued to the court, not the Second Amendment at that time, because we didn’t have all the case law in the Supreme Court. We didn’t have Heller. We didn’t have McDonald, and we didn’t have Bruen. What we had was a lousy case where it was decided that the Second Amendment had no application to New Jersey. It was Burton versus Sills. However, I approached it from another avenue. I said that the law was unconstitutionally vague and overbroad because of the second part of the law, which was the “substantially identical” section. The first part is a laundry list about 67 individual guns, but the second part is any gun that is “substantially identical” to the above. The late great Judge Michael Farren in Monmouth County found that it was unconstitutional because a citizen could not know what substantially identical means. The words themselves are contradictory. Substantially means almost, and identical means exact. How can it be almost exact? It’s either exact or not. Even if we somehow try to interpret what guns are banned and what aren’t, it didn’t make any sense for anyone to be able to try

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to know how to conform their behavior so they wouldn’t be in trouble criminally and that makes a law unconstitutional. So, after I won that case, a gun group brought a challenge federally to try to annihilate the entire law based on how I’d won it in the criminal court. In that case, that’s when the Attorney General promulgated in 1996 guidelines to try to save the statute by saying what “substantially identical” means, by way the 1996 guidelines.

Evan Nappen 25:10

This is where it gets very interesting. You see, the Court, through its opinion, does say that the AR-15 is produced by several different manufacturers including FN, Ruger, Remington, Bushmaster, Rock River Arms, Wilson Combat, Barrett, Panther Arms, H&K, Lewis Machine, Olympic Arms, Palmetto State Armory, and Mossberg. Of course, even Smith and Wesson, but he failed to mention that and plenty of others. So, the judge said that the AR-15 provision itself is unconstitutional. Then he goes on and says that it’s essentially the Colt AR-15.

Evan Nappen 25:56

I’m going to read you the exact language in a moment. (U.S. District) Judge (Peter) Sheridan does find that the AR-15 qualifies as a weapon in common use. This is one of the things you have to establish. It’s in common use for lawful purposes like self-defense. That’s what Bruen said is covered and Heller. The judge said the plaintiffs have shown that AR-15s are well adapted for self-defense. He made it clear about the evidence being presented and that the AR-15 was well suited to self-defense. This is from the decision. Because it is light weight. It further goes on and says it has mild recoil, good ergonomics. It’s a weapon that is well suited to younger shooters, female shooters, and other shooters of a smaller statue. He talks further about it being a weapon of self-defense, which it is, and even brings out how it was used in several relatively high profile self-defense, self-defense events in Florida, Illinois, Texas, Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. So, it meets that part of the standard. And that’s not just Colt AR- 15s. That’s a whole variety of ARs.

Evan Nappen 27:21

He says, therefore, that the assault firearm law, the AR-15 provision, acts as a total prohibition of this firearm commonly used for self-defense, which are AR-15s in the home. And that’s all great stuff. But when you get into the decision itself, which you can see online, you’ll see that right away. ( pinion.pdf) It says, and I’ll read you right from decision. “For these reasons and those below, the AR-15 Provision of Assault Firearm Law is unconstitutional.” It’s right out of the box on Page Four of the decision. Right in the beginning, he makes it clear. Then he says on Page 6, “For the reasons enumerated below, the AR 15 Provision is unconstitutional.” He refers to the AR-15 throughout it.

Evan Nappen 28:19

Then, he says, “Relevant to the analysis here is the provision within the Assault Firearm Law regulating the ‘Colt AR-15″ (hereinafter, the AR-15 Provision).” (Page 7 of the decision) Then he puts a footnote though. He says, “For the reasons enumerated above, the Court limits its analysis of the constitutionality of N.J. Stat. Ann. 2C:39-1(w)(1) to the information that has been briefed.” The definitional part under (1)(w) where it has a laundry list of guns. In that laundry list of guns, when you

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actually look at the law under that section, you see it says “Colt AR-15 and CAR-15 series”. The judge doesn’t even deal with the CAR thing. He doesn’t know what it is, and he doesn’t want to get into it.

Evan Nappen 29:19

Therefore, some folks are saying well, is it just narrowly the (w)(1) provision, where it’s just Colt AR-15 and not all AR-15s? Even though the judge is talking broadly throughout his opinion on it. I’m going to tell you here’s how I interpret it. The Colt AR-15 is on the list as a listed gun with a named manufacturer. That’s correct. It’s there. That’s not in dispute. But you see, part (2) of the law, (w)(2) says, now the judge didn’t get into (w)(2) per se, but you can’t not get into (w)(2) once you have this ruling, because (w)(2) of New Jersey’s definition says, “Any firearm manufactured under any designation which is substantially identical to any of the firearms listed above.” And that was the original question that I dealt with in State v. Merrill. What the hell does that even mean? What is substantially identical? To what? Well, it’s to any of the firearms listed above.

Evan Nappen 30:40

Oh, so first of all, they have to be substantially identical to what? Firearm listed above. What is the firearm listed above when dealing with an AR-15 that you’re claiming is “substantially identical” to? Well, the Colt AR-15, of course. As I’m sure you know, the AR in AR-15 stands for “ArmaLite Rifle”. ArmaLite. Not assault rifle, like the dummies on the other side love to call it. No, no. Why ArmaLite? Because they developed it. Stoner ArmaLite. They developed it, and Colt got it. Colt AR-15. It was their manufacturer of the AR-15, of the ArmaLite Rifle-15. Now, that’s the law part of the statute, where it talks about the guns that are “listed above”.

Evan Nappen 31:50

But then, going back to the Merrill challenge, which was successful, and then Coalition V. Whitman where the big challenge to try to knock it out in federal court is based on the theory I utilized in Merrill. Then the Attorney General came in with the 1996 Guidelines to save the constitutionality. ( Those Guidelines are what we’ve been living under. And it’s those Guidelines, where we come up with, where most people say, is that gun Jersey compliant? Does it have any of those offending features? Well, that’s coming from the Guidelines.

Evan Nappen 32:33

What do the Guidelines say when having to make that determination? It says, right there in the Guidelines (on Page 2), before you get to the specific offending features, “A semi-automatic firearm should be considered to be ‘substantially identical,’ that is, identical in all material respects, to a named assault weapon . . .” That’s right in the guidelines, folks. A named assault weapon. “. . . if it meets the below listed criteria:” Aha. So, the statute under (w)(2) talks about “guns listed above.” The so-called Guidelines that were pulled out of the Attorney General’s ass and turned into a regulation to save the constitutionality says, it has to be a “named assault weapon.”

Evan Nappen 33:32

And what criteria did the Attorney General adopt? Where did these features come from? Well, they’re nowhere to be found in New Jersey’s actual law. Oh, God forbid, no. He gleaned them, verbatim, from the 1994 Federal Crime Bill definition of assault weapon, which is no longer on the books. It’s sunset. It

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went away in 2004. It was for ten years. That’s 1994 to 2004. Those are the very criteria that is no longer federal law and was not State law. Never has been. Remember, our assault firearm law passed in 1990. The Federal criteria that he’s using in the Guidelines didn’t even come about until 1994. So, you’re telling me that somehow our legislators had like crystal balls, and they knew that their unconstitutionally vague definition would be saved by a Federal law that would be passed four years later? I don’t think so. But it doesn’t matter because you know what? The Court bought it and said, okay, now we know what substantially identical means, and this is what it means. All right.

Evan Nappen 34:52

Well, if these Guidelines are what control, then it says it has to be a named firearm before we apply the offending features. I’m sure you know them by now, but I’ll review them with you. A folding stock or telescoping stock, a pistol grip, a bayonet mount, a flash suppressor or a threaded barrel, or a grenade launcher. I know all of you removed your grenade launchers from your assault firearm. So, I’m glad to hear that. But here’s the deal, folks. What applies to those criteria? Well, first, it has to be a semi- automatic firearm that has a detachable magazine and at least two of what I just told you. And what semi-automatic rifle? Aah, a “named assault weapon”. If the Government is saying that they’re “named assault weapon” is the only AR there, the AR, the classic of all classics, the Colt AR-15, well, guess what? That’s unconstitutional.

Evan Nappen 36:07

So, these are the battles that we’re going to have. Look, this has not been fully decided yet. This is not something you can say, hey, great, I can have an AR-15 now in New Jersey. No, you can’t do that yet. But I’m telling you how the groundwork has been laid. I’m showing you the issues and the arguments that we’re going to use, and more than what I’ve even told you, of course, is going to be used. But I’m laying out to you a very clear methodology here to see the crack in the armor of New Jersey’s absurd gun law that has turned thousands of law-abiding citizens into criminals. Ruined their lives. Destroyed them, their families, their fortunes, their freedom, and taken away their rights over a law that is absolute bullshit. Because a gun is a gun. And this is just stupid. Trying to distinguish it by some features is just a ploy, a salami tactic, to take rights, and do it one slice at a time. To try to boogeyman all black rifles. That’s what they do. That’s going to end. We’ve made substantial progress toward that end. And that, my friend, makes me very happy.

Evan Nappen 37:50

I have a question here really quick. It says, as a member of CJ rifle and pistol club, I occasionally take my 2020 NJ legal AR style rifle to the range. Is this gun still legal? Are there any semi-automatic rifles still legal in Jersey? Then he wants to know if we can get an addendum to the book. Well, of course, you get an addendum to the book. By going and scanning the front cover of the new book. And that’s where you get all the updates. Of course, you can take your “legal” AR to the range, because it’s Jersey legal. Transport it legally, take it to the range, and enjoy it. Shortly, we’ll be able to take guns that at the moment are not legal. I’m confident we will win this battle, fighting side by side with our brothers and sisters. So, this has been an interesting week to say the least.

Evan Nappen 38:55

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I want to tell you this week’s GOFU, and this week’s GOFU is a wraparound right to what we spoke about in the beginning of the show. Don’t mess around on your gun applications. As much as I like good jokes played on me by my good friends, and I get it. But it’s serious stuff with the gun licensing and the gun laws in New Jersey. Luckily, in this case, the individual got his carry, but what a hassle. What a problem. What a mess. So, the GOFU is take it seriously. Treat it seriously. You don’t want to cause complications for yourself or one of your best buddies, do you? So, it officially is a GOFU, but I will say that because of it, we did discover some truths here that we didn’t know. And that’s really the purpose of a GOFU. Don’t repeat mistakes that others have made. Learn from them, folks. This time we all learned from that GOFU. This is Evan Nappen reminding you that gun laws don’t protect honest citizens from criminals. They protect criminals from honest citizens.

Speaker 3 40:19

Gun Lawyer is a CounterThink Media production. The music used in this broadcast was managed by Cosmo Music, New York, New York. Reach us by emailing The information and opinions in this broadcast do not constitute legal advice. Consult a licensed attorney in your state.

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About The HostEvan Nappen, Esq.

Known as “America’s Gun Lawyer,” Evan Nappen is above all a tireless defender of justice. Author of eight bestselling books and countless articles on firearms, knives, and weapons history and the law, a certified Firearms Instructor, and avid weapons collector and historian with a vast collection that spans almost five decades — it’s no wonder he’s become the trusted, go-to expert for local, industry and national media outlets.

Regularly called on by radio, television and online news media for his commentary and expertise on breaking news Evan has appeared countless shows including Fox News – Judge Jeanine, CNN – Lou Dobbs, Court TV, Real Talk on WOR, It’s Your Call with Lyn Doyle, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk, and Cam & Company/NRA News.

As a creative arts consultant, he also lends his weapons law and historical expertise to an elite, discerning cadre of movie and television producers and directors, and novelists.

He also provides expert testimony and consultations for defense attorneys across America.

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