Guessing Zero

Guessing Zero

Latest Episodes

GZ - A Crit of Gamers - Episode 4
September 09, 2013

We sit down and talk about GNS theory as it applies to the board games we play, and talk about how the different types of games impact our enjoyment and the people we play them with.

GZ - Gaming Done Right - Episode 1
September 05, 2013

Welcome to Gaming Done Right, a bi-weekly podcast where we talk all things games hosted by Brian, Mike and Dan. In this episode we spend a few minutes introducing ourselves, talking about the new BattleStar Galactica expansion, Daybreak and chatting about

GZ - A Crit of Gamers - Episode 3
August 30, 2013

In this episode, we talk about Firefly: The Game after playing it at GenCon.

GZ - A Crit of Gamers - Episode 2
August 26, 2013

In this episode, we talk about our experience at GenCon. We start off somewhat organized and degenerate into randomness... much like our experience at GenCon.

GZ - A Crit of Gamers - Episode 1
August 12, 2013

In this first episode, we introduce ourselves and talk about the games we enjoy playing.
