The Grow Maine Show

The Grow Maine Show

Angus King at Envision Maine Summit: Ten Elements of Entrepreneurial Leadership

October 17, 2014

As you may know I am a board member of  Envision Maine, a group that works to promote entrepreneurship, and change attitudes about doing business in Maine.  Basically, we’re the opposite pole of the battery – the positive to everyone else’s negative, and it’s creating a lot of good energy.

Although the organization is only one year old, we pulled together, with a lot of good volunteer time that I can’t take any credit for, a really good summit that sold out with 260+ people.  Angus King was our keynote speaker, and you might think he gave just another speech, but he really put a lot of thought and effort into it.  (Angus is an entrepreneur too, although you may not know it, and that’s really how he got his start.)  So he’s got some perspective.

So you get a little intro from Envision Maine board chair Sam Fratoni, who is ex-Hewlett Packard and has some great perspectives himself, and then we go right into Angus.

Subscribe in iTunes or sign up for the email list because next week I have another great guest, Dan Kerluke of Double Blue Sports Analytics.

The top ten list, Angus’ list, I didn’t write that down, if you happen to have done so and would post it on the comments below, it would be much appreciated!