The Grow Maine Show

The Grow Maine Show

Eliot Cutler on Entrepreneurial Policy

August 11, 2014

“…I believe that entrepreneurial activity is a central part of the avenue open to Maine.” – Eliot Cutler

The governor of Maine, obviously, has a strong role in setting policy that affects entrepreneurs. He or she can set a vision and focus for the state that causes business to grow and develop.  I of course think that focus should be entrepreneurship – something we do uncommonly well here in Maine.

In the 2014 election, we have three major candidates.  They have varying perspectives on how to grow Maine’s economy.  To explore those viewpoints (and most assuredly not as an endorsement of any specific candidate) I’ve invited all three of the candidates to come on the show. This episode features Eliot Cutler; Mike Michaud is working with me on scheduling (he’s a US Congressman as well as candidate for Governor) and I’m working to schedule Governor Paul LePage as well.

Here’s a link to Eliot’s book, A State of Opportunity.

By the way, if you’re interested in a deeper dive on entrepreneurial policy, consider getting involved with Envision Maine – I believe they are the best group advancing thinking in this area.

What are your thoughts on what can be done to further improve the atmosphere for entrepreneurship and career opportunity in Maine?


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