The Grow Maine Show

The Grow Maine Show

#20: Mike St. Pierre of Hyperlite Mountain Gear discusses Maine Business

March 28, 2014

This week I am pleased to be joined by Mike St. Pierre of Hyperlite Mountain Gear, a Biddeford-based manufacturer of ultra-high performance backcountry gear.  We discuss Mike’s background on tour with The Eagles and at Thomas Keller’s per se, and how it informs the company’s Lean Manufacturing process.  I also get to explore the concept of Minimum Viable Product (which I don’t like), and learn how Hyperlite has adapted it for their product development process (in a way I *do* like). Plus, we tour the shop live and include the recording in the cast, something I’ve never done before; and learn a really killer grilled lobster recipe.

If you’re intrigued, at about halfway through the cast there’s a discount code for 10% off your purchase at Hyperlite Mountain Gear.

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