Growing Older with Gusto

Better tune-up your driving OR ELSE! – Henry Ramirez
Our first episode in May for Growing Older With Gusto has us exploring the ways we can continue to drive as we grow older without being a hazard on the road.
Our guest, Henry Rameriz, of Oakland, California is an expert in anything to do with driving. His background as a California Highway Patrol, and owner of the Bay Area Driving School provides him with lots of experience.
Some of the topics we discussed are:
* Teaching nuns at a convent to drive* Unusual teachers at his Driving School* The Consequences of Marijuana on driving* Road Rage* How to Fix Traffic Collision Problems* Ways of Getting Older Family Members off The Road
Henry is also the author of “ Driver TuneUp” available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Lulu Books.
Put in those earbuds and take a Spring Walk as you learn some insightful tips on deriving as we grow older!