GrowCFO Show

GrowCFO Show

#87 Bridging the Strategy Execution Gap with Benjamin Wann, Author of Getting Shit Done

June 21, 2022

Do you have a strategy? If so, congratulations – you're ahead of the curve. Many businesses don't take the time to develop a strategy, and as a result, they struggle to achieve their goals. But having a strategy is only half the battle; the other half is making sure that your strategy is executed properly. In this blog post, we'll talk about how to close the strategy execution gap and turn your plans into results!

Benjamin Wann is an expert at closing the strategy execution gap. He is a CPA and has written several books, including Getting Shit Done: The No-Nonsense Framework for Closing the Strategy Execution Gap which is the subject of this episode of The GrowCFO Show.

The strategy execution gap is the difference between where a company wants to be and where it actually is. This gap can be caused by a number of factors, including unclear goals, inadequate resources, and poor communication. But regardless of the cause, the result is always the same: Your company isn't achieving its full potential.

So how can you close the strategy execution gap?

Here are a few tips:

Define your goals clearly. If your employees don't know what they're supposed to be working towards, they can't possibly achieve it. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).Allocate the necessary resources. Your strategy won't get very far if you don't have the people, money, and time to make it happen.Communicate, communicate, communicate. Make sure everyone involved in your strategy knows what their role is and what they're supposed to be doing. regular check-ins will help keep everyone on track.Be flexible. Things will inevitably change as you're trying to execute your strategy. Be prepared to make adjustments along the way.

Closing the strategy execution gap can be a challenge, but it's worth it. By taking the time to implement a solid strategy, you'll ensure that your business is able to achieve its full potential. Listen to the full episode. We dive deep into these points and many more.


How GrowCFO can help you build and execute your strategyGetting Shit Done: The No-Nonsense Framework for Closing the Strategy Execution Gap on Amazon UK and Amazon USBenjamin Wann's other books on Amazon UK and Amazon US168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam on Amazon UK and Amazon USABenjamin Wann on LinkedInKevin Appleby on LinkedIn


01:02 Introducing Benjamin Wann

02:46 Everything in life is a project!

03:15 Ben's books

06:22 Getting Shit Done

08:15 You have designed the strategy. What comes next?

08:42 Many organisations don't actually have a strategy

10:57 In its most basic form, what is a business strategy?

12:09 The strategy execution gap

13:57 Who does what and by when?

16:39 Time is limited. How do you prioritise?

17:16 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam

19:47 Mindset for achieving the milestones you need to reach

23:10 Napoleon's army and empowerment

23:47 Strategy lessons from the US Civil War

24:54 The need for flexibility in the plan

26:48 What gets measured gets done

28:00 Rats in Hanoi: Why linking measurement to reward can be very dangerous

31:44 It's all about communicating effectively

35:00 Use e-mail properly

36:19 Create the right culture

40:00 The role of the CFO in strategy execution