The Growability Podcast

The Growability Podcast

EP21 – How To Sell Without Being Fake Part 9 – Considering Social Media

September 20, 2021

This is the ninth episode in our series about selling without being fake. In this episode, we talk with social media guru, Jason Elkins, about which social media platforms are relevant for the business owner.
Podcast Transcript
Jason Elkins:
I saw John Mayer go live one time and just show people how he practices scales and he’d go, John Mayer needs to practice. This is, is ridiculous.
Joshua MacLeod:
What I’m hearing is social media is a phenomenal opportunity to share about something that matters. Even if there’s so many people using social media to share about something that doesn’t matter, the platform is there, the access is there. You can really connect with people with something that actually matters.
Welcome to the Growability podcast, teaching business and nonprofit leaders a more excellent way to run a business. Visit for your leadership, coaching consultation and business collaboration needs. This is the ninth episode in our series about selling without being fake. In this episode, we talk with social media guru, Jason Elkins, about which social media platforms are relevant for the business owner. Here’s your host, Joshua MacLeod with special guest Jason Elkins.
Joshua MacLeod:
We’re here with Jason Elkins today, I’m super excited. Jason has been a dear friend and a social media mentor. If I need a really good idea or 17, I call Jason. He always has really great ideas. And Jason, I’ve got my cup of coffee. Jason runs 100 Cups Consulting. So we are continuing today our series about how to sell without being fake. So Jason, this is going to be the biggest challenge of answering that question how do you sell without being fake on social media? But before we get into that conversation, tell me about 100 Cups of Coffee. So where did you get this name? 100 Cups of Coffee. What do you do day in and day out?
Jason Elkins:
I really appreciate you asking the question. Foundationally, marketing coaching. So companies hire me to come alongside them and help them figure out which social media channels we’re going to go after? How do we build a campaign? What do we talk about? What are things that people care about? You mentioned I’m an idea guy, not all of them are good, but we’re going to find one that is over time.
Joshua MacLeod:
All right, let’s just talk about social media. Because this is something that is such a difficult topic in the world. I’m 44 years old, I run a consulting business. What social media platforms in 2021, when we’re recording this, should I actually be aware of, should I be thinking about? Which are particularly good for businesses and what should people at least understand or know about even if they’re not using them.
Jason Elkins:
So I’m going to throw out I appreciate you saying that. One of the things I’m going to throw out is maybe a little industry secret or maybe something that not everybody thinks about with what I would consider one of the most unused social platforms and that is YouTube. I read statistics recently that said, if video isn’t part of your social game over the next 24 months, you are going to be buried and lost. We have to be embracing this. The reason YouTube is so great is that it’s owned by Google and there are multiple areas as you upload a video that you can fill those areas out for support. So the title is one.
Jason Elkins:
You need to make sure you got a lot of good keywords in your title. There’s 1500 characters that you could fill out in the body. So telling people about the video and what you do is great. And then even after that, you can kind of build your own link farm by linking to all your other social channels and your website and whatnot. And I’m more likely to click on a search result if it has a video eight ti...