Grief Burrito Gaming Podcast

Grief Burrito Gaming Podcast

Starfox 64 Review! Game of The Month | Episode 89 | Grief Burrito

December 02, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 89 of Grief Burrito!
This week we're reviewing our Game of The Month which is; Starfox 64 (or Lylat Wars in Europe and Australia!)
We're breaking down the game and reviewing it in it's entirety from Hazz nostalgia drenched viewpoint and Jordan's fresh new eyes on it! He doesn't have new eyes but they've never been filled with this much anthropomorphic space fighting delight! 
Come the end of the show we'll be ranking it on our Burrito Scale out of our five categories below and combining to give a score out of ten;
One Spicy Boi!
How will Starfox 64 fair again our new ships?!
Let's do this!
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