Greyhound Nation

Greyhound Nation

Interview with Laird Morgan of United Greyhound Racing

September 09, 2020

Episode 3 - Recorded July 14, 2020

"Who's going to see the entertainment value of our dogs going at 45mph at peak performance and seeing that excitement?"Laird Morgan

Show Notes

Laird Morgan -- Texas attorney and advocate for the breed -- is always thinking about the possibilities for the American Greyhound racing sport.

He acquired his first pet Greyhound through a racing kennel in 2007 rather than the traditional adoption group. Hooked by the racing and track experience, he co-founded United Greyhound Racing in 2011.

Through his organization, Laird serves as an advocate for the racing industry, lure coursing and Greyhound adoption. Initiatives include the Greyhound Racing National Championship and connecting racing trainers with adopters.

Greyhound Nation host, John Parker, and Laird discuss the current state of Greyhound racing in the United States, the future of the sport, and Laird's involvement with the Texas Greyhound Association.


United Greyhound Racing (Facebook)Texas Greyhound Association