Greenhouse Lasses

Greenhouse Lasses

Latest Episodes

Branding with Purpose
September 13, 2020

With so much attention to social justice and climate change, companies are evolving their messaging from strategic branding with feel-good sprinkles of philanthropy and social responsibility, to leading their brand with purpose. This sounds great, but wha

Green Space, Blue Space, Our Space
March 25, 2020

Ever wonder what it’s like to protect public spaces and communities, from parks across the Garden State to the Amazonian Rainforest? Us, too! Join us as we chat with Jamie Carpenter, Program Specialist with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Prote

The Revolution Will Be Data-Driven
November 11, 2019

When asked to define her purpose, Brittany wrote: ‘Commitment to securing a safe climate by championing civic engagement, dismantling white supremacy and empowering problems solvers to build a more sustainable world.’ Brittany Bennett is a Development Dir

Watt We Can Do to Build Transparency in the Electricity Marketplace
October 21, 2019

So 100%, we all understand the importance of access to and emphasis on clean, renewable energy, but are we talking enough about energy poverty? Over 30% of people in the US struggle to pay their energy bills, with some dedicating up to 20% of their total

Best Earth Ever
August 21, 2019

It’s 2019, yet our society wants mothers to work as if they don’t have kids AND for mothers to have kids as if they don’t work. Join us for Episode 7 with Energy Bees co-founder Sadie Bronk as we walk through her career and life journey from navigating an

Diversifying the Movement
July 14, 2019

Environmental health issues disproportionately affect communities of color, yet these very communities are underrepresented in green advocacy groups. On this episode, we chat with Virginia Palacios, a 10th generation Tejana, grasstops activist and environ

Embracing Your Otherness
June 16, 2019

From the wise age of 8, Isabel Hovey saw people living on the streets of Panama from her mom’s air conditioned car and refused to accept that some people just live in poverty, so she’s devoted her life to trying to help solve this problem. Join us for our

Low Impact is the New Zero Waste
April 12, 2019

Do you wish you lived a more sustainable lifestyle but don’t even know where to begin? Join us for Episode 4 where we chat with Shelbizleee & Madison--two bonafide eco-influencers--on how to transition to an attainably sustainable lifestyle. We chat throu

Plan Your Getaway...from Carbon Emissions
March 15, 2019

She’s just a small town girl, buildin’ a more sustainable wor-ld. Join us for Episode 3, "Plan your getaway...from carbon emissions" with Emily Conway.  Emily recently went from airport sustainability to sustainable logistics in the food and beverage indu

No Face to Sustainability
February 18, 2019

Join Phoebe and Lesley as they chat with Christopher T. Johnson on environmental policy, the Audubon Zoo, the simultaneous joy and devastation it is to be black and LGBTQIA+ in 2019, and more. Recorded on 1/31/2019.Clarifications from the episode:1) L
