The Great Shalom Podcast : Overcoming Learning Disabilities

The Great Shalom Podcast :  Overcoming Learning Disabilities

Texas Recognizes Freedom to Privately Educate

June 08, 2023

Check out what an attorney in Texas says about home education there. Tim Lambert, along with his wife Lindsay founded Texas Homeschool Coalition. He continues to serve as legal counsel to members responding to schools' missteps.IN this rerun, Mr. Lambert answers basic questions about home schooling in Texas.

Now, many of you are not in Texas. Please let our freedoms and procedures inspire you to make your state, country, province better. More liberty, to have better education, would surely be better, don't you agree?

It was probably about 10 years ago that their high school aged children ran their very large homeschool coalition in the Woodlands convention center. Wow -- and did they ever do a professional level job. Such a great advertisement for home education: mature and capable youth.

Laws vary widely. I don't know why. Aren't rights God-given? Didn't we agree to empower governments to have a short list of powers and reserve the rest of the rights to ourselves? If you were not taught that in civics in Elementary school, then someone was ...

... pulling the wool over your eyes? you an alternative "social studies" curriculum?

..trying to enslave you?

Anyway, from the beginning Texas RECOGNIZED the right to privately education one's children. Since people started doing that -- once again-- academic rates have gone up. Social skills have gone up. Maturity has gone up. Check out the broadcast.
And don't necessarily believe the negative spin -- or really hit piece -- on the Duggars and Bill Gotthard. I was not there. But I do know this sort of situation. Most organizations are not perfect. Most people in high demand group like that are indeed happy -- and happier than their leavers!

I wouldn't want my family in front of a camera all the time.  But guys, do you remember what happened in the past 3 years?  Remember the news and social media ... "spin".... on the scamdemic?  Haven't you learned to parse out both "news" and *projection*?

You figure out that if Pinkie and the Brain wanted to enslave the world, ahem, they would hate those out of the system the most. Home education is dangerous to tyrants -- not only because it is separate and private, but even more because it creates character and the ability to think for oneself.

Oh yes, even from a cult, especially from a cult experience,  there is no one who will more likely think for themselves than people who have had this experience. They have seen the world from different perspectives. They have been controlled. They have thought through the issues. They will likely leave. But they are much harder to fool. That is for sure.