Grassroots Church, Thunder Bay, ON

Grassroots  Church, Thunder Bay, ON

Latest Episodes

GR Faith at Home Resource. Monday, April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020

Gardening and Faith Parallels from Marcia Weber I love gardening.  And I love how gardening teaches us many things about life, faith, God.  From planting seeds to harvesting, there are things we can learn and  teach our children. In northwe

Our Images of God: Part 2- Constructive Constructs
June 09, 2019

This week Steven continues teaching on the constructs of God - presenting the Christian worldview's response to the challenge of comprehending the incomprehensible: Jesus. In John 14 Jesus tells us that if we've seen Him, we've seen the Father. Thus, we c

Our Images of God: Part 1 – Destructive Constructs
June 02, 2019

We all have an image of God in our head - and none of us get it right. It's a reality we can't escape when trying to use finite language and ideas to describe the infinite. However, there are a few particularly bad constructs that yield destructive result

Right? Our Collectively Self-Imposed PR Problem
May 05, 2019

As Christians, we have a history of idolizing rightness at the expense of actually following Jesus and the mission he laid out for us.

Business as Usual? I Doubt It
April 28, 2019

Phil shares an encouragement for us not to hide behind our doubts and misconceptions. Rather than stay in the comfort of our fishing boat, we can claim the hope that Jesus gave us - and be willing to share it.

Vinegar & Gall Part 2: Resurrecting Grief
April 21, 2019

This week, we read again the resurrection story and see how most of Jesus’s disciples lost hope in Jesus after he died. Alone among the disciples, only Mary Magdalene decided to face her pain, and she found a basis for hope stronger than death. In this ..

Vinegar & Gall Part 1: Lifted Up
April 14, 2019

In the first of our two sermons on God’s goodness, we hear the story of Jesus’s last week in Jerusalem. Riding in on a donkey, Jesus faces down the question of God’s goodness once and for all. In fulfillment of many Psalms, we see Jesus understandin...

Shifting the Paradigm from Trivial to Timeless: Part 1
March 31, 2019

Ryan shares part 1 of a two part series on shifting the paradigm from trivial to timeless through focusing on the relationship rather than the task.

Words in the Dark III: Part 10 – Amen
March 24, 2019

27 sermons on prayer, Psalms, and the presence of God later, we now say Amen! Psalm 33 will help us see the big picture, with its praise for creator God, reminder of the humility we need as humans, invitation to open our hearts to God’s presence, and in..

Words in the Dark III: Part 9 – Confession
March 17, 2019

In our final look at Jesus’s prayer as our basic pattern, we finish this part of our exploration of prayer with the healing of sin. Jesus tell us to ask God for forgiveness of our sins, just as we extend forgiveness to others. As a basic prayer of love,..