The Micah Hanks Program

The Micah Hanks Program

Latest Episodes

The UFO Data: Marler and Rodeghier on the Record | MHP 02.01.21.
February 03, 2021

For decades, many scientists and laymen alike have sought answers to the longstanding mystery of UFOs. While much headway has been made, scientific investigation of this phenomenon has yet to gain mainstream acceptance; but what does the data from...

Extraterrestrial: Avi Loeb on Oumuamua and Alien Life | MHP 01.26.21.
January 26, 2021

If alien life were ever to visit our planet, or even just our solar system, what might it look like? What form would it take, and what would be their reasons for coming here? More importantly, would we even recognize them, or realize they had been...

Cosmic Ancestry: Panspermia and the Origins of Life | MHP 01.18.21.
January 19, 2021

What are the origins of life on Earth? Did the building blocks for life originate here, or did they travel to our planet in the distant past from someplace further out in the cosmos?  On this week's edition of The Micah Hanks...

Forgotten Lands: The Lost Continent Mythos | MHP 01.11.21.
January 13, 2021

For centuries, stories have persisted about lost civilizations, mysterious islands, and ancient peoples whose innovations have been forgotten by time. Arguably, the most famous example involves the fabled Atlantis, which has remained a curious...

Alien: Life From Another World | MHP 01.05.21.
January 05, 2021

It is a question that has long haunted humankind: are we alone in the universe? Since early times, humans have wondered about "others," and mythology from around the world has passed down tales of strange, alien visitors and their wonderful...

2020 Year in Review: UFOs and Ancient Mysteries | MHP 12.29.20.
December 30, 2020

2020 was a significant year, and in more ways than one. As the world fought the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, there were nonetheless many advances in science, as well as notable historical events that included the Pentagon's authorized release...

The CIA and UFOs: History Declassified | MHP 12.22.20
December 22, 2020

By January 1953, dramatic events had brought the CIA and UFOs - a topic the agency had little desire to commit to having involvement with - to a gridlock. Following widespread sightings around the country, and even over Washington, D.C., the...

UFOs in the Atomic Age | MHP 12.14.20.
December 15, 2020

On the morning of July 16, 1945, the world changed forever. On a remote test site in the New Mexico desert, a group of scientists gathered and watched the first atomic explosion, and humankind's entry into the Atomic Age.  It has long been argued...

Strategic Doubt: UAP Theory with Dr. Adam Kehoe | MHP 12.07.20
December 08, 2020

This week Adam Kehoe Ph.D. joins us to share his scientific perspectives on questions about the UFO phenomenon, and what the future may yield as far as studying it.

Disclosure: An Estimate of the Situation | MHP 12.01.20
December 01, 2020

In 1948, a TOP SECRET document was produced by the U.S. Air Force which made surprising conclusions about the possible origins of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. Because of this, all copies were ordered to be declassified and destroyed, leaving...