Grafted: Jewish Roots of Christianity

Grafted: Jewish Roots of Christianity

Ishmael, Esau, and the Amaleks–How They Still Affect Us Today

May 08, 2024

Please welcome today's guest, D'vorah Calic!

D'vorah is a distinguished Torah teacher, known as a "morah," whose passion for biblical understanding and connection runs deep. With a rich background in biblical studies, she brings a unique perspective to her teachings, illuminating the intricate links between the Torah of Moses and the teachings of the Apostolic Scriptures.

As a co-founder of Bless Israel Network, a prominent media organization based in Israel, D'vorah, alongside her husband, is dedicated to sharing the prophetic role of the Jewish people and Israel in God's divine plan. Through insightful programming, they aim to inform and inspire viewers, fostering a deeper understanding of the significance of Israel in the unfolding of biblical prophecy.

D'vorah's commitment to bridging the gap between the Old and New Testaments is evident in her writing and hosting of "Heartbeat of the Torah." In this engaging series, she skillfully connects the beauty of the Torah with the teachings of the New Testament, providing invaluable insights into the Jewishness of the Scriptures, the Gospels, and the Messiah.

Beyond her media endeavors, D'vorah is a beacon of hope and comfort in the online community. As a weekly contributor to "Gift of Thorns," a Facebook community dedicated to spreading positivity, she shares her wisdom through her series, "Getting Down to the Root," offering solace and encouragement to all who engage with her uplifting messages.

With her profound knowledge, unwavering dedication, and compassionate spirit, D'vorah Calic continues to impact lives profoundly, guiding others on a transformative journey of faith and understanding.

Other podcast episodes with D'vorah:

Jesus came to make the Torah "Stand up." - This Side of Heaven (

Are We Redressing the Messiah? Part 1 - This Side of Heaven (

Are We Redressing the Messiah? Part 2 - This Side of Heaven (

Stephanie’s links:


YouTube Channel

