Grafted: Jewish Roots of Christianity

Grafted: Jewish Roots of Christianity

Be the Word People See

April 17, 2024

Welcome to Grafted: Jewish Roots of Christianity! I'm delighted to introduce our guest today, Misty Harber. Misty is not just a teacher but a licensed Minister and a compelling speaker, whose lessons focus on character.

With a background as the Chief Financial Officer of The Rooted Kafe, Misty has not only managed financial matters but has actively contributed as a teacher, guiding others through classes and Torah Portions. The breadth of her experience is evident as she shares her insights and teachings on The Bridge every second Friday of the month, reaching out to a wider audience on Facebook.

In today's conversation, Misty and I delve into the profound verses of 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. We explore the symbolism behind "tablets of stone" and "tablets of human hearts," unraveling the significance of these metaphors in the context of the Jewish roots of Christianity. Together, we navigate the intricate terrain of biblical interpretation, aiming to shed light on how these ancient teachings continue to shape our understanding of faith today.

Beyond the verses, Misty and I engage in a discussion about being historical rather than hysterical. Drawing from her expertise and spiritual insights, Misty guides us through connecting with the historical roots of our faith, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the foundations that have shaped Christianity over the centuries.

Stephanie’s links:


YouTube Channel
