Grace on Tap

Episode 67 – Luther’s Postil First Sunday in Advent Epistle
Mike Yagley and Evan Gaertner discuss Dr. Martin Luther’s sermon commentary on the Epistle Lesson for the First Sunday in Advent. This commentary is found in Luther’s Works Volume 75, Church Postil I. Romans 13:11-14 provides a jumping off point for Luther to talk about the exhortation to do good works since you are no longer in darkness. The exhortation to do good works is rooted in the promise that you are now in the daytime of the gospel.
This epistles teaches how a Christian life should be conducted bodily and outwardly on earth among people. People of faith no longer live in darkness but we are awakened by the Gospel.

Beer Break
Altes Sportsman Copper Lager by the Altes Detroit Brewing Company.