Grace on Tap

Episode 77 Luther’s Postil Third Sunday in Advent Gospel Part 1
Mike Yagley and Evan Gaertner discuss Martin Luther’s sermon prep commentary on the Gospel reading for the Third Sunday in Advent.
Matthew 11:2-10.
Historically, biblical commentaries asked, “Did John know Jesus was Christ?” This question happens because John sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the Christ or should we look for another?” Luther answered that this was not a good question. John knew Jesus, (Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 2, and John 1). John asked for the sake of his disciples.
If you want to know what throne your leader is sitting on, seek the gospel. If your pastor is not preaching the gospel, you must flee and look for another.
Jesus preaches the good news. John’s disciples don’t need to look for another. Jesus is the Christ.

Beer Break
Elephant Juice New England Style IPA