Grace Bible Studies

Latest Episodes
What’s My Part in the Kingdom?
What’s my part? What’s your part? What’s God’s part? When I first received the message of grace I was in such awe over the gospel. It was like getting born again, again! The passion for my salvation returned and I wanted to shout it from therooftopss...
Joseph and Forgiveness
Joseph was like us. Many say he was a type and shadow of Jesus, and yes I can see that. But I can see even more that he was like us. Joseph had dreams, literally. God gave him dreams of his future. In his day,
3 Keys to Financial Abundance
3 Keys to Financial Abundance Several years ago, I was praying to the Lord, “Should I work or should I stay home with the kids?” I had been praying this prayer for years as I had my real estate license and sold homes from time to time.
God relates with mankind through covenants.
How does God relate with us? Through covenants. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I used to think the whole Bible applied to me. Now listen, I know the whole thing is the Word of God, but what if all these years I’ve read and applied it wrong?
What are the 4 main end time views of the book of Revelation?
There are 4 main thoughts about the end times. Futurism, Historicism, Idealism, and Preterism. On this bible study my husband, Brandon Pollard, and I discuss the book of Revelation. For more details listen to Dr. Jonathan Welton.
The greatest spiritual battle is love.
The greatest spiritual battle we can engage in is love. Love conquers all! Learning to walk in love will create a healthy environment for others to grow.
What is the New Covenant?
As believers in Jesus, we are under the New Covenant. The Old Covenant is obsolete and done away with. Listen to learn more.
Seriously…the Holy Ghost Discount?
The post Seriously…the Holy Ghost Discount? appeared first on Grace Bible Studies Online.
Ministry of Life vs Ministry of Death
The post Ministry of Life vs Ministry of Death appeared first on Grace Bible Studies Online.
Fruit of Righteousness
The post Fruit of Righteousness appeared first on Grace Bible Studies Online.