Grace Bible Fellowship: Young Adult Ministry

Grace Bible Fellowship: Young Adult Ministry

Latest Episodes

Biblical Womanhood (1 of 3)
April 02, 2017

God has created women to have a unique role and high calling as man's helper and the one who cares for and manges her home and children, as exemplified in Proverbs 31.

Biblical Manhood (3 of 3)
March 26, 2017

This lesson covers the final 4 characteristics of biblical manhood: sexual purity, diligence in work, growing in wisdom, and honoring parents.

Biblical Manhood (2 of 3)
March 19, 2017

This lesson continues on the key aspects of biblical manhood: Love, leadership, protection, provision, self-control, and a holy attitude towards money.

Biblical Manhood (1 of 3)
March 12, 2017

Who has God called us to be as men? It starts with undistracted devotion to Christ, commitment to the local church, and leaving father and mother.

Christ-Centered Relationships
March 05, 2017

Biblical relationships are built upon our relationship with Christ, who is the seat of our ultimate loyalty.
