Grace Bible Fellowship: Young Adult Ministry

Grace Bible Fellowship: Young Adult Ministry

Latest Episodes

Scripture Alone (1 of 3)
November 05, 2017

The Spiritual Discipline of Evangelism (1 of 2)
September 17, 2017

We should feel a burden to share the gospel with nonbelievers. This lesson discusses many reasons why we fail to evangelize, and answers from Scripture that will exhort and encourage us to engage in the discipline of evangelism.

The Spiritual Discipline of Worship
September 10, 2017

The Christian life is a life of holistic worship, but this lesson focuses on the singing and praise component. Genuine public and private worship are vital disciplines to foster greater affection for God and practical holiness.

The Spiritual Discipline of Prayer
August 27, 2017

Prayer is both the natural response to relationship with God, and a direct command in Scripture. This lesson covers biblical examples and guidance as well as practical suggestions for how to "pray without ceasing."

The Spiritual Discipline of Bible Intake (2 of 2)
August 20, 2017

In this lesson, we learn practical strategies for disciplined Bible reading and meditation, and how meditation on God's word bridges knowledge and obedience.

The Spiritual Discipline of Bible Intake (1 of 2)
August 13, 2017

This lesson motivates spiritual discipline as a means to a more fruitful and satisfying Christian life. The discipline of Bible intake forms the foundation for all other disciplines.