GPS Training Podcast

GPS Training Podcast

GPS Training Podcast – number 74

July 14, 2022

In this special ‘mid-month’ podcast we talk to Andy, from GPS Training after he participated in the 2022 Spine Challenger race.

I asked him the following –

  1. What is the Spine Challenger race? 60 hours to complete? 109 miles in total?
  2. How did you get on and how far did you get?
  3. How much money did you raise?
  4. What time did you start on Saturday morning?
  5. Weather?
  6. What did you mainly navigate with – GPS Unit, watch, map?
  7. Sleep? – CP 46 miles in? – did you stop – Location of CP?
  8. What was the High point – personal?
  9. What was the Low point – personal?
  10. Lessons learned from the walk?
  11. Are you going to do it again?
  12. Any different prep or events you will do as you build up to again i.e. next year’s event?
  13. Many thanks for joining me on this special ‘mid-month’ GPS Training podcast

You can listen and read Andy’s ‘pre-walk’ interview online here.