GPS Training Podcast

GPS Training Podcast

GPS Training podcast – number 53

April 15, 2021

Chris the coast walker - he's back!

This episode I am joined by a special guest, Chris Howard. But, Chris is more commonly known as Chris, The coast walker.

We last spoke, and had Chris on the podcast back in July last year, just before he was about to set off on his walk around the coastline of mainland Britain, 11,000 miles.

Welcome Chris back to the GPS Training Podcast

I know a number of you must be thinking ‘that was quick’ but Chris, can we jump back to the 19th December, when the whole thing came to a massive pause, in a very timespan.

You had to get out of Wales my midnight on that Saturday night, as Wales was going into lockdown at that point i.e. midnight.

How did that day pan out, at what time did you think, oh no, this does not look good?

How many miles had you covered at that point and where did you get upto?

Was that over 142 days?

So now we know where ‘the world came tumbling down’ can we press the rewind button and go back 142 days.

You started in Norfolk, near your home.What kind of mileage where you covering each day?How often did you have rest day (s)Near the start you had a few ‘leg’ problems, which I know where a true battle.Best walking so far?Worst walking so far?What 9 things have you learnt about you, your body and mind?

So I was thinking it broke down as -

x 3 You

x 3 Your Body

x 3 Your Mind

Isolation – Good or bad thing?I know many people have been helping you on your trip – top three acts of random kindness.The One walking tipThe One top kit tip, what piece of kit have your truly fallen in love withThe One navigational tip – keep the sea on your left?When are you hoping to head back out again?How can people support your Chris?Where can people find out more about your epic journey? Chris the Coast walker - website