GPS Training Podcast

GPS Training Podcast

GPS Training Podcast – number 33

March 26, 2020

Welcome to this month’s GPS Training podcast, it’s our 33rd episode.

In this month’s we again have Ian and me Jon, both from GPS Training. How are you keeping Ian? Webinar last night - JonWith the Carona pandemic that is currently effecting the UK and the wider world, it may be a bit of a different podcast.During these difficult times we are planning to do a fortnightly podcast, hopefully it will help in some small way to help get everybody through these difficult times.

So, without further ado let’s get on with today’s podcast ……

So, in this month’s Podcast -

· We are going to have a quick update regarding the current Carona situation and how, rightly, it is effecting our training courses and what home learning options we have for you all

· After the great feedback we had after Paul Freeman we had on the 31st Podcast we again have him on this months podcast, this time paul comers with his mountain rescue hat on and he looks and discusses with us what to do is something goes wrong in the hills.

This interview was recorded pre Carona pandemic, so it is a really great interview that really does take us out of the current situation the country is in.

· We then have Ian’s FAQ’s, the frequently asked questions Ian has answered whilst supporting our customers or on some of the GPS Training courses he has been leading.

To start this month’s Podcast, we are going to look at how the current Caronavirus Pandemic will effect you with our GPS training hat on

With the current pandemic hitting the country


Currently, we have postponed all our ‘physical’ GPS courses until the end of June 2020.

Many thanks for everybody in supporting us in this decision, everybody to date has been happy with this.

We are honoring those places for 25 months, so once everything has blown over we will be rescheduling and delivering courses.

If you do sign up for course for later in year you get free access to online resource from time you book so you can start your learning from today, we have notified everybody via email and once we hear back from you we are issuing you with your username and password for the online resource.

BUT a very big thank you, it is truly humbling.

Webinars and masterclasses continuing as planned, we may add more dates, depending on demand.Online resource - our premier online training platform – It’s there and we keep adding to it.We are looking at some online 1:1 training for those of you in self isolation or just want to crack on.

We use online video conferencing all the time for business to business meetings, so please take this up and we can spend half an hour going through the varies options we have.

Both on GPS units or the route planning software

I am hoping these will be in place early next week and you will be able to book or transfer an existing booking one of these – watch this space

GPS Sales

GPS Sales – these have held up very well in the last few weeks, so a massive thank you to everyone, it is appreciated.

We have worked hard this week and every GPS has now got product videos, showing you what’s inside the box, over 50 videos!Online consultation if you are thinking about buying/ changing your GPS - mentioned in today's newsletter.

Please do book an appointment with us if you are wanting to buy a gps unit.

We use online video conferencing all the time for business to business meetings, so please take this up and we can spend half an hour going through the varies options we have.

As we are an online business, we are currently processing orders as normal - Next day delivery.

To keep up to date with any changes, please keep checking our Facebook page and why not - Sign up to our newsletter.

Please be aware we are running with a skeleton staff, many thanks for your support at this time, it is very much appreciated.

To find out more about the products and services we offer at GPS training please go to our website – gpstraini...