GPS Training Podcast

GPS Training Podcast – number 103
Winter walking, an update from Zoleo, a look back at 2024 and Andy’s top tips.
In this month’s podcast
- Winter walking – some things to think about
- Meeting with Zoleo last week
- A look back at 2024, what would we like to see for 2025
- Andy’s Top Tips
1. Winter walking – some things to think about
1. Batteries
2. Powerbank, don’t forget your cable to charge your mobile phone or wireless charging
3. Escape routes, planning for the worst-case scenario – watch a video – planning your walk.
4. Two-way satellite communication – this has become a lot more affordable over the past year with Garmin’s £7.50/ month contract
6. Extra clothing/backup clothing
7. Biffy Bag / Foil Bag
If anything we have missed, drop us an email
Andy’s video – contents of his rucksack ahead of the Spine Challenge race.
2. Meeting with Zoleo last week – Bristol
John – VP – Vice president of sales
Roadpost Inc. Prevails in Arbitration Against Beam Communications Pty Ltd.
TORONTO, Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Roadpost Inc. is pleased to announce that the arbitrator in its case against Beam Communications Pty Ltd. has rendered a decision in its favour, finding Beam in material breach of the 50/50 ZOLEO Inc. joint venture agreement between the two companies.
The arbitration decision is final and binding, compelling Beam to sell its joint venture share in ZOLEO Inc. to Roadpost at fair market value.
Should the parties be unable to agree on fair market value, it will be determined by an independent professional valuator. The purchase price will be paid 25% at closing with the balance due in three equal annual payments.
Roadpost is confident that ZOLEO device supply will continue without interruption during this process. The joint venture agreement and related documents clearly define the mechanisms, including price, through which all necessary IP for manufacturing and operations will be acquired by ZOLEO Inc. pursuant to Beam’s share sale. It is Roadpost’s view that the device IP must be rolled up at no additional cost to ZOLEO or Roadpost.
So what does this mean for you, the end user?
- Nothing short term
- Long-term lots, as Roadpost (who won) can now progress with new features, new devices etc
- Exciting meeting to hear about some of their plans and also to pitch some of our ideas
- So let’s see what the future brings
Whilst we are talking about meeting with manufacturers we have TwoNav coming to see us early this month, any thoughts/ ideas from you the listener would be appreciated.
3. A look back at 2024, what would we like to see for 2025
TwoNav has to be the out subject of 2024
Garmin Fenix 8 – it’s been very well received
Lack of new Garmin handhelds, inReach Messenger plus only new device, fingers crossed this will change in 2025
4. Andy’s Top Tips
All about battery saving:
All GPS Devices Garmin / TwoNav
Wifi / Bluetooth off, Backlight down, how long backlight on for use screen off buttons , battery save mode etc, gps only, north up, if screen on all of the time do not leave on map
AA batteries units make sure setting correct in system
As above + optical HR off
Spare batteries and power-banks keep in inside pocket next to body for warmth, Eneloop or lithium better in cold