Gospel Tangents Podcast

Gospel Tangents Podcast

*Surprising Sales at Seventies Bookstore (Part 6 of 6)

December 06, 2019

In our final conversation with polygamy expert Anne Wilde, Anne will discuss the surprising popularity of Ogden Kraut’s book “Jesus Was Married.”  Christ’s Church apostle David Patrick will also add his final thoughts on why this is such an important and influential book over the past 50 years.

Anne:  At BYU, the religion professors were being asked, was Jesus married? And I’m not going to mention names of the professors but there were two of them that said, “Well, you know, we’re not supposed to talk about this. We’ve been advised.” So anyway, to lay a little groundwork, the next day or two, after we took them down to the Seventies Bookstore, Brother Whitehead calls out and he says, I sold all 10 of those copies. Can you bring me 20 more? So we did, and we couldn’t figure out why. And I don’t know if Brother Whitehead knew until later. What was happening is that these religious professors found out about Ogden’s book down there and Ogden was friends with them. And so they knew the book was coming out. So what they did was they tell the students “As religion professors at BYU, we’re not supposed to say one way or the other. But there’s a book down and Seventies Bookstore if you want to go down and get that, that has the whole story. And so he sold 20 and then 50 more. And then we just kept taking them down there because of BYU students were coming down and buying. So I just thought it was kind of ironic because about the same time you know. And we have sold thousands of copies of that. It’s been an eighth printing. Its Ogden’s best-seller.
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Don’t miss our other episodes with David and Anne!
345:  Uniquely Mormon Marriage Theology
344:  “There is No Marriage in Heaven”
343:  Evangelical Arguments about Marriage in Heaven
342: Was Jesus the Groom at Wedding at Cana?
341: Making the Case that Jesus Was Married