Gospel Tangents Podcast
Making the Case that Jesus was Married (Part 1 of 6)
In 1969, Ogden Kraut published the book, Jesus Was Married. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the book, we’re sitting down with Anne Wilde and David Patrick. Anne was Ogden’s second wife and typed up the manuscript for Jesus Was Married. She believes Jesus was the groom at the Wedding at Cana.
Anne: If you know Jewish tradition very well, you understand that the parents are the ones who arranged a marriage. They are the hosts of the marriage. So it was very common for a mother or a father of the bridegroom to make sure everything went smoothly. So when Mary went to Jesus and said about the wine, why would she do that unless she was the mother, or the parent of whoever was getting married?
I’d also like to introduce David Patrick, an apostle for Christ’s Church (The Righteous Branch.)
David: My name is David Patrick and I am a member of Christ’s Church, also known as The Branch. We have members in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and a few other states, but we are a small group. We have been active as a faith since 1978, though I have not been involved with that since that time. We go around doing various firesides and talks. The subject matter of Jesus was married, or was Jesus married?
In April of 1978, Gerald Peterson Sr. was requested of the Lord to organize a new church. That was April. Then you’ve got proliferation from that time of its membership. It’s ebbed and it’s flowed in its membership over that time. That’s over 40 years ago now.
What do you think about these claims that Jesus was married? Do you agree? Check out our conversation….
P.S. Gospel Tangents is now part of the Dialogue Network of Podcasts! Don’t miss out announcement!