Gospel Tangents Podcast

Gospel Tangents Podcast

How 1800s Law Affects Utah & Idaho Abortion Laws (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto 5 of 5)

August 29, 2024

The Comstock Act of the 1800s is still affecting us today, especially Utah & Idaho abortion laws. Dr Amanda Hendrix-Komoto from Montana State University discusses current abortion fights in Utah and Idaho and how history influences us today. Check out our conversation…


Don’t miss our other conversations with Amanda: https://gospeltangents.com/people/amanda-hendrix-komoto/

Comstock Act Today

Idaho’s Abortion Fight


Utah’s Abortion Fight

Widespread Agreement on Abortion


Tragic Late-Term Abortion Story

Why Amanda Writes about Hard Things

Last Thoughts


Ina Coolbrith & Minerva Teichert


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Gospel Tangents

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transcript to follow

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Gospel Tangents

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