Gospel Tangents Podcast

Gospel Tangents Podcast

History of RLDS & LDS in Tahiti (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto 1 of 5)

August 21, 2024

We’re diving into the history of RLDS & LDS in Tahiti. I was surprised to learn that the Community of Christ has a large number of members in Tahiti. Why is this? Well it turns out the LDS missionaries were run off the island over polygamy, and the anti-polygamy RLDS were welcomed back with open arms! Find out more in our next conversation with Amanda…


Don’t miss our other conversations with Amanda: https://gospeltangents.com/people/amanda-hendrix-komoto/

Amanda’s Potato History
Latter Day Saints in Tahiti
CoC Replaced LDS in Tahiti

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Gospel Tangents

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transcript to follow

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