Gospel Tangents Podcast

Gospel Tangents Podcast

How Have Intellectuals Moved the Church? (Sara Patterson 4 of 4)

May 22, 2024

Have the Sept Six & other intellectuals nfluenced LDS Church leaders with their arguments? Dr Sara Patterson weighs in on that question. If you’re not on our newsletter, sign up for free and I’ll send you a secret link to listen to the conclusion at https://gospeltangents.com/newsletter


transcript to follow

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Gospel Tangents

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0:00 Have Intellectuals Moved Church Leaders?

Dr. Sarah Patterson discusses how her book on September 6 has influenced Mormon church leadership.

1:03 Sensitive Topics

Openness to discussions of polygamy, magic, and seer stones has increased among church leaders, with some ideas becoming more mainstream.

Church leaders emphasize boundaries on historical topics, while discussing Heavenly Mother and women in priesthood.

5:12 Purity culture and its relation to excommunications in the LDS Church

Sara challenges the firm brackets around the September 6 event, arguing for a broader understanding of the purity system in the LDS church.

Church leaders implemented purity system to unify diverse members through excommunications.

9:09 Faith, theology, and intellectual freedom.

Institutions should prioritize safety and allow for open questions and discussions to foster fulfilling faithful lives.

Dissident group within church argues for inclusive, egalitarian community focused on personal relationship with spirit.

15:03 Advice for Leaders

Dr. Sarah Patterson discusses her book “September 6: The Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism” and provides insights on the tension between individual conscience and institutional authority within the Mormon Church.

Patterson emphasizes the importance of seeking truth and individual relationships with the Spirit, rather than blindly following institutional rules and expectations.

transcript to follow

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Gospel Tangents

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