Gospel for the Culture with D. Danyelle Thomas

Episode 6 | He Decided To Die
In this Easter Edition of Gospel #ForTheCulture, Danyelle (@UnfitChristian) talks about going viral again, The Mueller Report, Donald Trump, and the real-life impact of diluting the HOW and WHY Jesus was crucified.
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- “I dunno” by grapes is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0
- "Supreme", "Dark Arts" and "Strapped Up" by FreeBeats.io is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Jared Yates Sexton (@jysexton), Mueller Report Synopsis, 18 April 2019. Twitter Thread
- This episode includes an audio sample of He Decided to Die. (1978). On The Donald Vails Choraleers [Vinyl recording]. (1978)