School for Good Living Podcasts

School for Good Living Podcasts

35. Mark Divine: Unbeatable Mind

August 13, 2019

Hello my friends today my guest is Commander Mark Divine. Mark is an amazing human being whose nickname when he was in the Navy SEALs, was Cyborg. In his class of 185 participants, 19 graduated and he was the number one of those 19 earning the Honor Man. He’s unquestionably a leader and a warrior and he teaches leaders and warriors.

We talk about how to transmute desire into certainty, how to achieve peace and contentment, how to live one day, one lifetime as a philosophy. I had the chance to hear first at a Tony Robbins event a few years back in San Diego. He later came and spoke to executives at our company and as part of that event he took us outside and had us all engaged in some PT, some physical training, and we went for a run and we did some of the stretching and some of these movement and breathing exercises, and I realized how much I’d missed that. Mark has written The Way Of The SEAL, Kokoro Yoga, Unbeatable Mind, and 8 Weeks to SEALFIT. I hope you’ll hear something in this interview from a man who has been around the world who has studied martial arts, meditation, all kinds of different trainings, but really gone beyond all of that and looking deep into the heart and the mind and the soul to find really what it means to be alive and effective as a leader in these challenging times.

00:03:04 – What’s life about?
00:04:38 – Ringing the bell in SEAL training.
00:09:01 – A moment of clarity.
00:30:04 – Officer candidate.
00:41:27 – Daily routine.
00:50:47 – Five mountains.
01:04:48 – Growing up.
01:23:14 – 50 hours of nonstop mental training.
01:26:23 – Lightning round.
01:39:49 – Questions about writing.

LINKS – (In order of appearance)
Books written by Mark Divine
Unbeatable Mind / Mark Divine’s website
SEALFIT / Physical and mental training
How to do a burpee

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