School for Good Living Podcasts

30. Dylan Ozmore: Poetic Spaces

Today my guest is Dylan Ozmore. I’m thrilled to have him on my show because I love talking to Dylan and he has so many fantastic insights and perspectives. He’s the first poet I’ve had on this School for Good Living Podcast and he’s written a book called Words to Dance to: A Book of Poetic Meditations. He’s already written his followup called And the Lights Came On: A Book of Zen Parables and Poetic Meditations. He reads one of these zen parables in this podcast. We talk about how to know when something’s really a hell yes, when something really is a part of your calling, the willingness to give up, and everything to pursue your truth. We also explore this idea that everything is sacred and the space from which his books have been written and spaces in general, metaphysical, perhaps spiritual, emotional spaces as places from which we create.
00:02:42 – What’s life about?
00:11:05 – How do we really know something?
00:21:56 – Advice to others hearing the whisperings.
00:34:32 – Initial writing experience.
00:45:10 – Lightning round.
01:04:28 – Focused discussion on writing.
LINKS – (In order of appearance)
Words to Dance to: A Book of Poetic Meditations