Good Hang

Good Hang

#27 - Unite Us Adam Lambert!

December 02, 2015

In sickness or in health, Good Hang is always there...and Episode Twenty-seven is DEFINITELY proof of that.The guys jump right into We Read Yo Shit as Jon recounts the sweetest, most amazing birthday gift he's ever gotten. Then listener, Amelia gives her two (very valuable) cents on the social media and Paris issue from Episode Twenty-five. Thanks Amelia!Jon's been sick as a dog, and that means lots of time for Fallout Four and watching Creed, while Nathan's been reacquainting himself with Final Cut and therefore not sleeping. Find out all about it in this week's What Chu Been Up To.Get your gobble gobble on, as Jon challenges Nathan to a game of Trivia: Thanksgiving Edition in this week's GAME TIME!In the News this week: Singapore Fights Over an American Idol Runner-up! The National Gallery Singapore Crushes the Dreams of Young Artists - Better Get Used to it, Kids!!, Brazil's Craking Down on Cyber Assholes!!!Favorite Thing this week is Favorite Thanksgiving Side dish, i.e. the best thing about Thanksgiving (Fuck off, turkey and gratitude)So what are you most thankful for? Lie to your friends, and tell them it's Episode 27 of Good Hang!!
