Good Hang

Good Hang

#38 - $ucks to be Ke$ha

February 23, 2016

Juice Colored, Good Hang Episode Thirty-eight is here!!Jon's been putting together a bitchin' home entertainment system while Nathan's been planing for some stuff in the future! Find out all about it in this week's What Chu Been Up To?!In We Read Yo' Shit, the guys jump into the crazy-awesome world of the comment section from their live stream from Nathan's Facebook artist page. Hello! We notice you!! We sang Photograph!!!Game Time this week sees the return of the fan favorite game, Say Two Different Words and then Start Talking and Somehow Connect Them!!  [title not yet finalized]In the News this week: Great Boxer, Not so Great Man...ny! Deadpool's Causing Hollywood To Rethink Some Shit!! Ke$sha Could Use a Hug Right About Now!!!Favorite Thing this week is favorite thing from Favorite ThingsSo make the most of the night like you're gonna die listening to Good Hang Number Thirty-eight!
