The Goodbudget Way: Money | Budgets | Real Life

The Goodbudget Way: Money | Budgets | Real Life

Latest Episodes

Debt Freedom, At Last
June 16, 2019

What leg of the debt payoff race are you on? In the final episode of this season, we’ll hear Karisa share about completing her debt payoff journey, as well as a gutsy decision she made that helped her cross the finish line even faster.

Debt Payoff Plan, Take #2
June 09, 2019

Have you ever taken a break from your financial goals? Last time, we heard Karisa share about her decision to take a break from her plan. This time, she shares with us what it was like to get back on her financial horse again. In this episode,

An Unwelcome Surprise
June 02, 2019

What’s life without a few surprises here and there? We already heard Karisa share about the surprise letter that prompted her to start her debt payoff journey. In this episode, she shares about an unexpectedly large emergency room bill that threw her o...

Creating a debt payoff plan
May 26, 2019

Taking the plunge into paying off debt can be intimidating. Especially when you owe a lot. Karisa can relate to that feeling. She shares about how she moved past it, and how she came up with her debt payoff strategy. In this episode,

A Financial Wakeup Call
May 19, 2019

Many of us will experience a sudden financial wakeup call at least once in our lives. For Karisa, it took a pretty big one to prompt her to make some big changes in her money situation. In this episode, you’ll hear about: The unwelcome letter she recei...

Getting $40K into debt by age 22
May 12, 2019

What is a “smart” financial choice? And how can an 18-year-old know what’s “smart” when making decisions that will impact them for years to come? In this episode, Karisa shares how she got into $40K of debt by age 22.

Welcome to Season 2 of The Goodbudget Way
May 08, 2019

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: There’s more to budgeting than just numbers. We believe that the way we spend, save, and give our money reflects who we are and what we value, for better or for worse.

Season 1 Q & A with Chi-En
December 11, 2017

Hear what listeners had to say about what inspired them to budget with a why — and what they thought was crazy. Plus, hear what’s next for The Goodbudget Way podcast. In this finale episode you’ll hear from: Listeners who were challenged by what they h...

Buy a house... after giving savings away? (Pt 2)
December 03, 2017

Last time, we heard how Juliette and Chi-Ming sold their home. But, did they find an affordable home to move in to? Hear the second half of the story. In this episode you’ll hear: What kinds of homes they considered How they planned to buy without savi...

Buy a house... after giving savings away? (Pt 1)
November 27, 2017

Thinking of buying a home? Hear Juliette and Chi-Ming share part of their unconventional story of looking for a new home, and the unexpected generosity they experienced. In this episode youll hear: W