The Good Citizen Podcast

The Good Citizen Podcast

Good Citizen 006 Rule of Law

August 28, 2018

Episode 6 – Rule of Law
Rule of Law is the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law.
In this episode, we trace human and American history, from a time when kings were divine to when the Law is King. We look at where the United States is ranked as a country governed by the Rule of Law, where we fall short, and what we can do about it.

* NYT – Trump’s Travel Ban Is Upheld by Supreme Court
* JUSTIA US Supreme Court Center – Trump v. Hawaii, 585 (decision)
* Wikipedia – Rule of Law
* Harvard Business Review – How Hardwired is Human Behavior?
* Khan Academy – Paleolithic Societies
* Britannica – James I 
* Wikipedia

* James I
* Divine right of kings
* Charles I

* BBC – James I 
* University of Wisconsin Madison – Age of James I course material (Professor J.P. Sommerville)
* ABA – Part I, What is the Rule of Law
* – Proprietary Colonies
* Land of the Brave – 13 Colonies

* Royal Colonies

* World Justice Project – Rule of Law Index 2017-18
* C.S. Monitor – Undeclared Wars
* Time – US Doesn’t Declare War Anymore
* Wikipedia – Declaration of War
* Wikipedia – Fred Korematsu
* Wikipedia – John L. DeWitt
* Politico – FDR orders Japanese-Americas to be Interned in camps, Feb 19, 1942
* Densho Encyclopedia – John DeWitt
* HistoryNet – Fear Itself: The General Who Panicked the West Coast
* United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
* Huff Post –