The Good Citizen Podcast

The Good Citizen Podcast

Good Citizen 003 Fake News

January 15, 2018

Our topic for Episode 3 is Fake News.
As good citizens we must remain informed, well-informed, so we can make informed decisions in voting and in what issues we give our full-throated support. We may be a pack of learning loving smart people, but even we can be deceived. Fake News is everywhere and it’s getting harder to detect.
Here are the reference links this episode:

* The Onion – satirical news site
* The Telegraph (UK): Fake news: What exactly is it – and how can you spot it?
* Forbes: Did Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg coin the phrase “fake news?”
* Wikipedia: Yellow Journalism
* Politico: The Long and Brutal History of Fake News
* Washington Post oped: Fake News? That’s a very old story
* The Common Cause: Creating Race and Nation in the American Revolution (Book excerpt – Adams’ quote )
* New York Times book review: How the American Revolution Worked Against Blacks, Indians and Women
* Washington Post: Why the National Enquirer loves Trump — and why that matters
* The Atlantic : Why Do Americans Distrust the Media?
* Gallup News: Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
* Brookings: The news today: 7 trends in old and new media
* Reason: Where Did All the Investigative Journalism Go?
* Wikipedia: The Buffalo News
* Media Bias Fact Check: Buffalo News
* SUNY Buffalo State (library archives): Courier-Express
* Current: The Public Interest Standard in Television Broadcasting
* Center for Media Literacy: Whatever happened to the news?
* Nieman Reports: The transformation of network news
* The Balance: How ...