Latest Episodes
2.15 Conscious Sales Success w/ Ashley Rose. The dream team reunites!
Ashley and I coached women together who were learning how to build their business, own their worth and step into their leadership while they made buttloads of money doing it. Today we chat about what we've learned.
Conscious Sales Success w/ Ashley Rose - The dream team reunites.
Ashley Rose and I co-coached in a program that supported women building the foundation of their businesses, crating higher incomes, more self worth, and an insane amount of impact. This episode is a live coffee chat we had on fb, if you want to join these
2.14 Wealth, Worth & Abundance- What does embodied look like?
What does "embody your worth" ACTUALLY mean? Find out through a simple example how you can bring this powerful practice into your own life. ANNOUNCMENTS!! Calibration - A 3 week sales accelerator is now open for enrollment, we start April 14th! More in
2.13 DO'S and DON'TS of this popular sales strategy.
Want to see how to work with me? Follow me on IG? Click here! Also for the Lucid Body Workshop! Join the GoldMind Classroom FB Group or follow me on IG HERE (ALSO KICK SALES ICK REPLAY) Subscribe to email list and check out website hereSend any questions
2.12 Celebrating Wins & A Big Failure
Want to Come to the Lucid Body Workshops?CLICK HEREYou can also use the "click here" link to access other offers and my IGGAME CHANGERS BOOK CLICK THISCROSSING THE EVENT HORIZONSPIRIT SCIENCE SACRED GEOMETRYJoin the GoldMind Classroom FB Group or follow m
2.11 Human Design Tip That Changed My Business the GoldMind Classroom FB Group or follow me on IG HERE (ALSO KICK SALES ICK REPLAY) Subscribe to email list and check out website hereSend any questions or breakthroughs to: hello@shawn
2.10 Walking the path of emotional paradox. - My interview for world peace w/ the Sonic Shaman!
It was an honor to be invited to speak in an amazing 12 hour live stream for peace and possibility. In this episode I speak about the paradox of emotions as I paint a a picture for you to understand where you might be and where you CAN BE as you walk down
2.9 The Sales Pitfall of PREJUDGING
If you can't tell I'll be talking about sales and money for the foreseeable future. This episode is about prejudging - a sales pitfall of all pitfalls. The thing I love about committing to heart centered sales is the effect it has in every other area of m
2.8 Creating Wealth Through Wellness w/ Breanna Leblanc - a multiple six figure QUEEN.
Bre is a business and wellness coach, model and as of last year, a multiple six figure entrepreneur that puts health and wellness priority, and in this episode of GoldMind Coffee Chat LIVE that's exactly what we explore, among other things. :)
2.7 Redefining Sales PART 4: My FAVORITE one yet - Indifference.
Indifference is one of my favorite sales strategies for multiple reasons. One of them being that indifference is one of the fundamental laws for Law of Attraction, manifestation and magic. and I didn't know that when I learned it 6 years ago. At the end