

Latest Episodes

3.11 Spiritual Transition & Religious Trauma w/ Top Ranking Podcast Host Teri Hales! PART 2 OF 2.
April 01, 2022

In this powerful episode continuing from part one we chat about: -Where to turn for answers? -Did you lose your connection? -The fear of being too much. -Anger isn't evil? -Can you actually strengthen

3.10 Spiritual Transition & Religious Trauma w/ Top Ranking Podcast Host Teri Hales! PART 1 OF 2
March 31, 2022

In this episode I talk to my friend Teri from the Emancipate Your Mind Podcast on spiritual transition & religious trauma. The conversation lasted over an hour, so this is PART 1 of a 2 PART SERIES!

3.9 The BEST Content Prompt I Ever Learned That CONVERTS.
March 29, 2022

In this episode I'm going to tell you the BEST content prompt I ever received. It was 5 years ago.This prompt will display your leadership & your expertise in a way that leads your people to an obvious call to action.I want to paint the picture how strate

3.8 Soul Frequencies & Dreamy Clients? A Must Listen.
March 24, 2022

How do you let YOUR soul speak to your CLIENTS soul? I learned about soul frequencies 5 years ago and it was a moment I'll never forget. Today, I'm teaching you all about it and how it relates to you

3.7 NUGGET: All the Deets on When, Why & HOW I Host Masterclasses!
March 22, 2022

In this episode learn when I decide it time to host a masterclass, why I decide to spend time on it & EXACTLY HOW I set them up for sales and success! Interested in a VIP day? Dm me on fb or IG

March 17, 2022

Wow - today I woke up to all the magic. This podcast is all about some personal celebrations and patterns that I've seen in what happens right before the breakthrough we've been waiting for. Interes

3.6 Food Addiction, Emotions, Self Doubt & Business.
March 15, 2022

If you know that your business thrives better when you body feels good then you're going to want to listen to this episode. This was a training I did about 3 years ago and I was speaking to a big grou

3.5 STOP
March 10, 2022

Coaches: Do this ONE THING to hit your next level. In this episode I talk about the difference between expanding and integrating.

3.4 NUGGET: When Clients Don't Take Action
March 08, 2022

This goldmind nugget is about what to do when your clients are not taking action. This is from a training I did a couple of years ago. I wanted to bring it on because it's short, simple & sweet and it

3.3 Timeline Jumping for Money?! How I Used My Water to Get Dreamy Clients in My Inbox.
March 04, 2022

Learn the mantra and the practice I used to get dreamy clients ready to pay dropping RIGHT INTO MY INBOX. In this episode I cover: Dr. Emoto and his controversial experiments on how water holds memori