Golden State of Mindcast

Golden State of Mindcast

Curry’s injury provides the first “wake-up call” of the season

December 07, 2017

Golden State of Mindcast is back! Nate and I sat down with new writer Thomas Bevilacqua to discuss the season, how Curry’s injury has really been a “wake-up call,” the limits of fandom, and mortality. Sounds like a nice little jaunt through the first part of the season! 1:30 - Where are we as Warriors fans, especially with championship fatigue and the Stephen Curry ankle injury?6:20 - When will we see Curry again?9:30 - Reactions to the injury, how it brings back old pains.11:30 - Separating bandwagon fans from old school fans.15:00 - Looking at the rest of the NBA. How have other teams performed so far, and where do the Warriors fit into that hierarchy?19:00 - How the Warriors are making Jordan Bell into a star, much in the same way like how the Spurs’ system has made other second round players into stars.33:30 - Tom as our resident “librarian.” We take a stroll through his favorite Warriors-related books he’s been reading.40:00 - Somewhere around here the conversation transitions to ideas of how things age, which books or articles will be meaningful in a few years or a few decades, and basically the whole “stick to sports” argument and what that means. Also, which of the recent books about the Warriors will transcend their time and live on?49:00 - The unique moment in which we are living.51:00 - Nate’s very good advice on how to become a better writer.1:02:00 - Tom’s plans for a future book. Very exciting.1:06:00 - We would all read a well-written biography of Steve Kerr.