Golden State of Mindcast

Which teams can challenge the Warriors next year?
Welcome home Ivan! We are back, and geared up to talk about all things Warriors, including the new uniforms, all their offseason moves, the return of their core, and much more!
[Annotated list of topics]
Let’s do this!
1:00 - Ivan is back and the first thing we talk about is ... uniforms?
8:30 - When and where did Ivan find out about the Nick Young signing?
11:30 - We are obsessed with Patrick McCaw, as you may have noticed.
12:30 - Are the Warriors being #lightyears by burying McCaw’s minutes behind Nick Young and Omri Casspi so some other team doesn’t pay him big money, only to unleash him once he’s out of the restricted free agency period?
14:30 - We are already writing off every single other team in the league. Did any team get significantly better, to the point that they can compete with the Warriors?
18:30 - The apocalypse will happen, and Jamal Crawford will still be balling out on an NBA court somewhere.
[Side note: I claim to have been at Jamal Crawford’s 50 point game, but here’s the fickle rub of memory: the game happened in Charlotte. I was NOT there. But my whole life (well, since recently), I’ve remembered being there. Man, memory is stupid. I did a bunch of sleuthing, and for the life of my can’t remember what game I actually saw. Someone scored 50, I think. But, dang, my bad. Mind, why don’t you work more better?! Also, that game happened in 2008. I was 21. Granted things are a little ... uh ... hazy around that period of my life, but the game I’m remembering was definitely from when I was a kid, so I guess the lesson here is seriously don’t trust anything I say.]
21:00 - Could the Cavaliers risk it and keep Kyrie Irving around?
31:00 - “Paul George to the Thunder? Ballyhoo!”
37:00 - Did Houston do anything that moved the needle for them in the Western Conference. Even if they get Carmelo Anthony, are they any better than last season?
47:45 - I maybe make a very hot take about Chris Paul vs. LeBron James.
49:00 - Denver Nuggets time!
56:00 - Are the Kings actually gonna be exciting?