Golden State of Mindcast

Golden State of Mindcast

Golden State of Mindcast: The Finals are finally here!!

May 31, 2017

Boy howdy, things are about to get fun. It’s almost June, and that means it’s time for our annual Warriors vs. Cavaliers match-up in the NBA Finals. Yes, that’s right. Round Three is almost upon us!
Ivan and I sat down last night to discuss the Finals, LeBron’s legacy, the nature of legacy, the fact that people think the Warriors are evil, and much, much more. As always, we wandered off track and (sort of) found our way back.
[Annotated list of talking points:]
2:00 - People love to hate watch the Warriors, and it’s still super surreal for us.
5:30 - It’s hard to figure out what’s going to happen in the Finals, because neither team has been truly tested yet.
9:00 - There’s no real underdog here. Cavs are defending champs with best player, Warriors added another MVP in his prime.
11:00 - Hugo’s awesome Star Wars tweet. Also, how people are convinced the Warriors are the Empire, as in the evil-doers of our world. I say no. No way.
16:00 - People are petty as hell. Boston’s superteam vs. LeBron’s Miami team vs. this current Warriors team.
19:00 - The Warriors tried to embrace being “villains,” but all they did was have a house party and get a bunch of balloons. They are actually way too nice to be evil.
20:00 - The Mike Brown, Steve Kerr, Warriors’ coaching situation.
25:00 - My arrogant James Michael-McAdoo hope/prediction for this series.
25:50 - Ivan’s dark thought that he put in a podcast but not in his article.
34:00 - Beyond the apex of the LeBron James saga?
36:00 - Not surprised if three years from now, we are talking about Warriors vs. Cavs, volume VI.
39:00 - Calling it now, LeBron is going to somehow buy a team, and be the first player/owner/coach. Guessing it’s somehow the Orlando Magic, because #Florida.