Golden State of Mindcast

Golden State of Mindcast: Sitting down with Marcus Thompson II to discuss ‘The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry’
Beloved Warriors scribe Marcus Thompson II has a fantastic new book out called, “Golden: The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry.” We did a giveaway a few weeks ago, but if you didn’t win the giveaway, or if you haven’t yet picked up a copy of the book, DO IT NOW! Seriously, it is required reading for all Warriors fans.
We were very happy to welcome Marcus to the pod, as he sat with us for well over an hour, talking about the book, talking about Curry, telling future kids to get off our lawn, and much, much more.
You can listen here! Also, as you may have noticed, we are extremely excited to announce that we have joined the Almighty Baller Podcast Network. Big things are on the horizon for the Mindcast show.
Welcome Marcus!
[Editor’s note: We recorded this the day before Game 4 of the Jazz series.]
2:30 - Steph (on court killer) vs. Mr. Curry (worldwide brand mogul) vs. Stephen (home/dad/family).
8:00 - LeBron’s stardom, and for whatever reason not embracing Stephen Curry’s family guy persona.
12:45 - The uncertainty of Curry’s potential ankle reconstruction surgery, and how he didn’t know if his career was maybe over. His rise from the ashes of his own career to become the face of the NBA. (Just remembering how many ankle injuries he suffered).
16:45 - Curry’s injuries stopped once he went to Mark Jackson’s church and they prayed over his ankle (actually, not really). Marcus talks about Steph had to hop on his injured ankle in front of Jackson’s congregation.
21:00 - The race and religion element of Curry’s experience, especially as it relates to him being “light skinned,” and how he addresses it in public and in private. Him being called or considered “soft.”
28:00 - How much does Curry’s faith impact his on/off court behavior, especially as he adsorbs everyone’s fouls and disrespect? [Marcus asks that we cue the Gospel music, we comply. Full disclosure, I couldn’t find any open source organ music that wouldn’t get us in trouble, so I just recorded this myself in my studio.]
30:45 - Steph also thinks this “all happened really fast.”
38:00 - What else can Steph do to get respect from his peers?
41:30 - Warriors forming the new core four, core five of players who are going to be around for a long time, a la the Spurs.
50:00 - Curry as a leader in comparison to Jordan, Iverson, and Kobe. The way he set the tone for this culture and this team is amazing.
55:45 - Did Marcus have to hold stories back because he’s still so intimately tied to the team. Also, a funny story about his “East Oakland sensors” and maybe getting hustled.
1:02:00 - How we are all gonna those old guys telling kids to get off our lawn and go watch Steph clips on their VR goggles.
1:08:30 - Marcus’ reasons for writing this book.