God's Solutions for Today's Problems

God's Solutions for Today's Problems

The Problem of Aging in Your Life, Part 2

May 02, 2015

God's Solutions for Today's Problems #19

Our passage from the Word of God today is Psalms 71:18. It reads, “Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.”

Our quote for today is from David Seamands. He said, “In God's view, aging is merely the final phase of an upward climb from earth to heaven.”

Our problem today is "The Issue of Aging in Your Life" (part 2) from the book, "The Guide to Biblical Counseling" by Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Ron Hawkins. And, I want to remind you to take advantage of our special offer. If this podcast has been a help and blessing to you, please feel free to purchase a copy of this book -- "The Guide to Biblical Counseling" by Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Ron Hawkins. It is available on our website for just $30. You can make your purchase today at ordainedchaplainsusa.org.

Today, we will discuss some General Questions regarding Aging for you to consider:

1. What level of care do you think you [or an aging loved one you are caring for] need?

2. What are your [or your aging loved one's] financial resources?

3. What medical issues are there? Are these issued terminal, chronic, permanent but not debilitating, degenerative and progressive? (Future plans will be very different for a temporary medical condition than for a terminal, progressive, or chronic condition.)

4. How do you feel emotionally about the possibility of needing to get more care [or giving care to an aging loved one]?

5. What family member do you have available to help?

6. Are you [or an aging relative] in danger? Dangerous conditions would include:

- memory loss that leads to accidental fires, wandering, or destructive behavior

- medical conditions that require constant supervision or that contribute to sudden loss of stability or consciousness

- a residence that is deteriorated, unhealthy, or structurally too demanding (for example, too many stairs)

- an emotional state that could lead to extreme despondency or psychosis (for example, "crazy" thinking such as paranoia)

These are questions that you can consider and answer to determine your state or the state of a loved one in the aging process.
