God and Business Today

God and Business Today

000: Welcome to the God and Business Today Podcast

April 08, 2017

This episode will tell you a little bit about what to expect from the podcast, why you might want to listen, some of the types of people we’ll hear from, where to find the podcast and additional resources online, and a little bit about me, Tami Call, and why I decided to start this podcast.

What Is God and Business Today?

God and Business Today explores the role of God, faith and prayer in the lives of entrepreneurs, business owners and experts around the world. I do this with two purposes in mind.

The first goal is to inspire you to involve God in your business because, in my experience, God cares about me enough to bless me with what I need in my business, and I believe he will do the same for you.

Second, I want to create a safe space to share stories about the role of God in our business lives. It’s often not acceptable to talk about business, money or earnings and church. It’s likewise unacceptable to talk about God, religion and prayer in the work place. I’m creating a podcast and a community where we can talk about God and business in the same conversation and have it be an inspiring, rather than a controversial, experience.

Why Bother Listening?

Sometimes we feel alone and like no one is trying to build a faith-centered business. With God and Business Today, you don’t have to feel alone. You can know that there are people just like you praying for diving guidance and getting answers. The goal is to form a community so that we can share and support each other in these efforts.

Whom Will You Be Hearing From?

It’s a pretty long list! Authors, coaches, lawyers, engineers, beauty queens, artists, singers, songwriters, novelists, podcasters, politicians, CEOs, therapists, trainers and more.

Think you’d make a great guest? Know someone you’d like to recommend? Go to our website at http://godandbusinesstoday.com, click the tab on the right to leave a voicemail. You can also visit http://facebook.com/godandbusinesstoday and send me a message.

Where Can I Find God and Business Today?

You can find the show online at http://godandbusinesstoday.com, on Facebook at http://facebook.com/godandbusinesstoday.com and on Twitter at http://twitter.com/godandbusiness.

Who is Tami Call?

I am a mom with three kids: two boys ages 16 and 14, and a daughter who is ten. I’ve been married to my husband Eric for 23 years. I have an MBA. I worked in seminar training and development for about 12 years. I spent several years copywriting and got started as one of the first copywriters for Infusionsoft. I’m not focusing on developing my own courses and still serve some private clients.

You can learn more about me at http://breakthroughtobrilliance.com.