SESSION 122- WISDOM - It's Going To Be Worth It

October 28, 2020

“I'm not telling you that it's going to be easy, I'm telling you that it's going to be worth it.”
Somewhere along the way, we've bought into a lie, the lie sets the expectation that we are supposed to have this simple life. Life is just supposed to flow, and there's going to be no obstacles, struggles, and difficulties. Maybe you receive the gospel message similar to that. I know that when I was young I heard a lot of different messages similar to that. Christ in your life will magically fix everything and he will miraculously deliver you from all your addictions. Just go to the altar and let the prophet lay his hand on you.
Yet experience and life are quite different from these one step philosophies. Sometimes we have to go through some pain and struggle a bit. The struggle of the caterpillar gives the butterfly the strength to fly. We have to go through some stuff to actually achieve some success in this recovery journey. So the expectation that this is going to somehow be easy needs to be put to rest. It is called the narrow path for a reason.
There is nothing easy about…

avoiding temptations

trusting God

dealing with triggers

managing anger

mastering your impulses

taking responsibility

practicing awareness

forsaking excuses

knowing your worth

being established in your identity

forgiving yourself and others

None of those are easy, and none of those strokes the ego. These are things that bring no gratification to the flesh. They are all spiritual things that must happen for growth and development to take place inside of our life. They are difficult, but they are worth it.
I picture it like we're going through life with a backpack and it has a lot of weight in it. Within this backpack is the weight of our sins, transgressions, addictions, choices, consequences, and it is heavy, and it is a lot of work. The idea is this, that along this new journey, we're going to get a new mindset. We are going to take this baggage and the stuff we are holding on to, and we are going to take it out piece by piece. Then as we do that, the load lightens and we walk in joy. So going through the pain and struggle is part of the process to get to the other side of victory.