Go and Equip

Episode 214 – Living out Ahavah through Little Biscuits
This episode continues the conversation Chandalee and Jenn had with Little Biscuit Fund—an adoption fund founded and operated by a couple of their friends, Zeke and Shanda Arter. Little Biscuit Adoption Fund is a Gospel-focused organization, whose mission is to prayerfully support, educate and financially assist families who are adopting. In today's episode, Zeke and Shanda share the rest of their adoption story and how the Little Biscuit Fund began. They are truly living out God's ahavah to others!
Connect or support Little Biscuit Fund at littlebiscuitfund.com.
Connect with us at goandequip.com or message us at chandalee@goandequip.com.
If you missed the previous video conversations about the show’s five themes of ahavah, talmidim, apologia, da’at Elohim and besorah, you can find them on the goandequip.com blog or on youtube.com.
Show Transcript:
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