Go and Equip

Go and Equip

Episode 207 – Stringing the Pearls About Being Talmid

September 27, 2022

Jewish Rabbis use a concept called "stringing the pearls" when teaching. These "pearls" show connections between text in the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, etc. In the New Testament, Rabbi Jesus did the same thing—He continually pulled pearls of the Old Testament together for those He was teaching. Today, Chandalee and Jenn are talking about some Old and New Testament passages that illustrate what being talmid (learners) look likes. Enjoy!!

Connect with us at goandequip.com or message us at chandalee@goandequip.com.

If you missed the previous video conversations about the show’s five themes of ahavah, talmidim, apologia, da’at Elohim and besorah, you can find them on the goandequip.com blog or on youtube.com.


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